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a few remarks about issues and pacing, I use the current public itch release

side quest mysterious pervert cannot be solved legally, the last stage (second visit to the principal's room) is broken. core issue is "if tampula_sidestory3.progress = 7:" in screen_RoomNavigation.rpy around line 139, controlling access to the room on the 2nd floor - changing it to ">= 7" works as hotfix but this may cause issues down the line.

the scrollable maps are confusing, it took me a long time to find the school and longer than I'm willing to admit to deploy slayers - was more or less by chance that I got one mission that showed in the viewbox of the tablet's map view. for the city map I would very much prefer a map view displaying everything on one screen (how many locations do you *really* plan to implement) and the mission handling would be imp better without a map: just add a deploy button next to the job in the "ongoing" tab. the world map looks great but it gets in the way in the tablet menus

generally the job thingy could be explained better, or give me at least the chance to reopen the CCUN tutorial. I still don't know why I never got any money (only reputation) or why new job offers simply stopped after I finished a good handful of them or why my total on the right side of the screen shows 7 total reputation (if the guy-with-stars icon is reputation?) but the sum of earned guy-with-stars thingies is much higher than 7. was bored after some time and changed the script to give me a gazillion credits, but maybe this is all part of the early stages and I shouldn't even able to earn moeny that early?

I am now at the moment where I can move to the fort and hope I have more to do there - so far the game felt a little bit lifeless. a lot of locations with not a lot to do; and the pacing felt off: just now when I could move to the fort I have suddenly more possible interactions, with the porn shop sales person inviting me to her home and I stumbled over the strip club (swinger club may be a better name, though :)). while a good plot and solid game mechanics are important for me to enjoy a game this one is still of the porny subgenre; you are allowed to show naked skin even early in the game :)

the above sounds more negative than intented, I do have fun so far and looking forward to see the story unfold. but imho you can still improve stuff :D

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Pretty good, the scrollable maps that is a problem but I didn't want it to be removed cause I was hoping to code a zoom in and out feature in the map with scroll wheel on PC or the touch in android but I do not know how to code it in viewport, so I'm still looking into that but if I cannot then I will just not make it scrollable and the world map, good point since the only thing that you can do on the world map is to view might as well removed it and replace it.

CCUN tutorial still working to add more parts of it on how to use it, generally at the start you're supposed to get lower cash cause I advise you to explore the other locations but exploring other locations only gives you misc quests and side-stories so there's still a lot to add, I do not want a lot of locations just a few with something to do there and not just viewing right now I am planning to add

Random events - Depending on the progress of any side-story you may encounter the characters in that side-story in some place else (Gossips, talking to strangers, being harassed, bullied, grope, side-story end characters who were in that side-story may encounter you randomly) If you have more random events suggestions, do tell.

Minigames - Minigame coding degrades my soul even thinking of one that Ren'Py can do but thinking of a minigame that I can code is hard or I would use free minigames release for Ren'Py.

Random events I am trying to figure that out whether I should just make full scale renders or just sprite characters and make the background blurry. Generally, it doesn't take me hours to create these random events (Some random events will be long) although you have to apologize if I am slow

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> Minigame coding degrades my soul

minigames, especially the ones with QTE, are one of the first things I patch out of renpy games. as this knowledge would cursh your soul even more I will not disclose it here :)

> Random events

this is more what I meant when saying the game feels a little bit lifeless. does not have to be a fully scene or something complicated, just a few small thingies one can stumble over when walking over the map with - currently - a lot of more or less empty locations

[PS added a few crashes to the entry of the current 1.0.9 release announcement]