I've just known about this jam from you. I read rules and it seems that I won't do anything. Why? Just art must be submitted to discord. I also don't understand difference between "animation" and "standalone artwork" but to ask I need to use discord... I think I can try to do another parallax background for specified resolution, hope it will be better than the mountains
Game making (and it seems that assets creation too) isn't really for me. I enjoy it but can't imagine what to do or just dont want to do something... Jams page say that I joined 37 jams. And submitted to 8 but half of them my own pixel art asset pack jam so.... Most likely it will be one more joined and forgotten jam
3 packs? I don't know. I usually have 0 and I've never worked on 2 packs at the same time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯