So what's going on here? Is the cross not activating?
Yes precisely. For some more information it is not like is spawned say on a tile where the heretic stands (has happened before but it is not to bad). It just spawned normaly and when i went to pick it up nothing happend.
And as a side note. Going through this run in one sitting i realized that the time spent is more around 2-3 hours for a highscore run. Multiple sittings threw me of lol
Well this was a tricky one. But managed to repro and fix! Basically as the player and heretics are running the same pathfinding etc, the heretics were also running the cross fetching checks and sometimes overriding the fact that player got it. So I think theoretically they could have also activated the cross.
And thanks to trying to find this, found and fixed another unrelated bug with the heretics on boss level. Thanks again! ❤️