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Firstly, congrats on a new release! Secondly, this game was such a treat to play! I loved the implement of the selection option when choosing a path, and I liked being able to backtrack to areas, too!

Being able to choose the death animations in moments felt a bit easy to me (playing in regular mode), but I think it works for this kinda game. I liked the addition of other supernatural phenomena and the added backstory was a really cool touch!

The character art is hilarious, but I really like the different animations for the death(s)! This game felt like it def. had more of an "eerie" and haunted feel. I was on my toes expecting the creature to pop out at any moment, haha

lastly, thank you so much for the kudos at the end- I'm honored to be mentioned! :> 'Nother banger by A.V. Dossow!


Thank you so much Egg! : D You're one of my favorite Rpg Maker devs and I'm hoping to play another one of your games soon!


omg you really flatter me so much!! Thank you!!