Wait, do pearl resets send the player back in time, or is the lone remaining hypnosis level so the harem doesn't notice how much time passed? I feel like either way, it just introduces more plot-holes: Could the mayor end up interviewing for the position Nichole still actively fulfills? Is it just a massive coincidence that it always rains (with the exact same traffic) when Raine reaches her 4th CG again? How does Clara's brainwashing work if she's leveled up before Mia or Candice (or Katelyn)? What does the non-hypnotized goddess think when the war suddenly starts up again? How do none of the elves think to use this time-travel power against Helen/the player?
P.S. Olivia's lap-dance has the same issue as Susan's, by the way: it's in the folder as sprite-4538-0, but the cutscene just shows the default mall background.