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found another error when trying to give specializations to slaves. none of the texts show up as to what the requirements are for each class. if the funds are available you can still select one, but for now try just using the wiki to see the requirements for each.

also an error in sexual actions is that the player character will have the vagina stretched for every sexual interaction despite there being no penetration involved. error didn't appear until after having the player was penetrated (previous sex didn't involve penetration at first) but now occurs with all slaves even if they do not have a penis

Edit: just checked again. the text comes up to display as being stretched however the size still remains the same if there is no penetration

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Specializations I'll look into. If you can provide a screenshot that'd be really helpful and I'll try to fix it prior to the upcoming bugfix release.

Regarding Sexual actions, just for clarification, was the player ever penetrated during sex and torn? The effects will persist for a full day but SHOULD reset each evening, meaning that if your initial sexual encounter tears their ass/vagina then until that evening each sexual encounter will have arousal lessened by 40-60%. Also, is there any error codes showing in the black box that pops up with the godot launcher?

Edit: I think I figured out the stretching issue. I believe it is displaying if the participant was ever stretched even if nothing is currently using the stretched hole. That won't apply any penalties, but that can be confusing. I'll work on that.

special class error as I've seen it. although housekeeper is selected, the text remains the same for all classes.

Sorry should have clarified, there was penetration at one point with the first slave however after that, there hasn't been any. All other slaves were female and were being penetrate but main player was not and it has persisted over a few in game days.

glad to her there isn't any penalty.

Once again, i really love your work and look forward to seeing how far this goes. best of luck man!