Really great concept and great visuals to match. I also appreciate having a menu and configurable settings. I think the game would be massively improved with a few relatively small adjustments.
- Character movement feels too slow. Giving the player faster side to side movement, especially in the air, would make it feel a lot more responsive and open up more gameplay opportunities. The jump is pretty floaty but that might pair well with the increased move speed.
- The enemy attack patterns seem to be random which can lead to low engagement. I had a screen full of enemies harmlessly drift past me, which lowered the tension and forced me to wait around for valid attacks.
- It was generally hard to hit enemies once they started attacking a platform and it was especially hard to hit them if they were attacking the bottom corners of the platforms.
- Using the default QEF as attacks means that it's harder to use those same fingers for movement. If you decide to use the mouse then you could also consolidate forward/up attacks and use mouse position to choose the attack.
- Collision on platforms can be a little weird. When two platforms are next to each other you can walk from one to the other but not the other way around. I'm sure there's a few pixels of height difference but it can feel inconsistent.
I hope this wall of text is helpful. I saw you asking for more feedback in another comment so I figured I'd offer my thoughts.