Absolutely loved this game, super fun and a genuinely good speedrun game! I was gonna mention the bugs but it seems you're already well aware of them, but just to add something that I haven't seen mentioned, the jump pads in the final couple levels have a similar issue where the jump height isn't static, so often times wouldn't get the intended amount of height based on y velocity, positioning, and other things. Also I felt like the red balloon pickup didn't add much to any of the levels, but the other stuff with the balloon made for a ton of replay value, to the point where I was replaying levels to try and optimize for a faster time. That's also a testament to the solid level design, which had an obvious intended path but allowed for room to mess around with the bugs for different routes. I recorded my speedrun of probably the level I spent the most amount of time in, and my favorite, level 14. Impressive work!