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Hey, CHORDOSIS is not abandoned!
Working on this game takes a lot of time and effort, and I'm completely alone with it.

I'm really sorry that I can't quickly reply to every single one of you.
I wish I could afford proper community management with a discord server and such, but I have to keep this game under my scope.

I'm literally just a dude working on this from my bedroom for the past 4 years or so.

My Patreon was actually never live, but I left the link there in the case I'd have the time to give back to the community with cut-out segments from CHORDOSIS as standalone little games. (there's a lot of cut content, and I still planning to release them)
I was never published it cause I'd hate to see people supporting me Patreon, while I'm not a 100% sure I could give back with professional content.
Developing the main game takes basically all of my time.

My game is not for everyone I'm completely okay with that, and I created and designed the whole thing with the mindset of it.
If you didn't liked the first episode, and if you like to have a refund then please feel free to reach out to itch support, they're amazing, and I'm sure your get your money back.


AdamDubiGames: For a moment I thought you weren't going to answer me, Adam, and I got carried away. I'm very sorry. And when I read your reply, I wondered why you were talking about money, and then I realized that in the heat of the moment I wrote that I wanted my money back... which I don't. Anyway, I can't tell you how pleased I was when you replied! And I understand about the Discord thing, but I still have a suggestion for you! How about writing at least once or twice a month at the end of an article about your game on that you're alive and well and still working on the project? And maybe even estimate in percentages how the next release is going... O.o For example: 84% of next update is done

Sorry again, but I'm glad I kinda made you write back... :'D Take your time with this game and take all the time you need, and you're still a hero to me when you're the only one working on the whole thing! But please make yourself known from time to time so people don't lose faith in this amazing project of yours! <3

That's a lot of extra work for a solo guy doing all the work. 

If you need someone to help with anything @AdamDubiGames let me know. 
I've done a couple levels for some early VR titles, have experience in Blender, UE4-5, Unity (bleh) and a bunch of other skills - and be more than willing to help to whatever ability I am able. :)

All good either way though, you're doing amazing!

I believe people would be more than happy to support if you were to have a proper Patreon setup, just to help you with development. 

Nobody expects a AAA title - but this, from what I've seen so far, is even better than most of those I've played. 

Absolutely top-tier work sir; if there is any way I can help, let me know!!!