I've finally 100%ed the latest version (0.49), so THIS should be my last comment (at least for a while). Aside from some more sneaky typos and the fact that Elkantar's pole-dance CG (sprite-2702-0) wasn't updated, the only new issue I noticed is that the text's backing bubble disappears for several pearl-summoned girls' lapdance cutscenes (and Amber's 3rd CG cutscene), making the text harder to read. Oh, and Dr. Love is mistakenly called Dominya in her pole-dance cutscene.
I also have one more story question: in Terra's barn sex scene, the narration says that she "seems to experience nothing but compassion," and that it was as if she "was having an altogether different experience," but in her final CG cutscene--which also involves her having sex with the player--she keeps going "Aaah!" and even refers to it as "this pleasure," suggesting that she DOESN'T experience sex much differently. EDIT: I considered that she was faking those orgasms or had been hypnotized into feeling sexual pleasure for the first time, but she also says that she had "forgotten how it feels," meaning THIS is what normally happens, and the barn scene is...what am I missing here?
...or is this another thing I wasn't supposed to be prompted to put thought into?