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I realize that I have to comment, because this game has really surprised me with how good it is.

I was hesitant about it when I started, because it was a little outside of what I normally play, but this game has managed to suck me in completely. The way the spicy scenes are mixed up with suspension-of-disbelief-supporting life sim mechanics works really well, and makes the wild things the characters get up to so much more exciting than they would be in a vacuum. So far I am particularly enchanted by the classroom harasser, roommate's partner, and best friend scenes, and also by the extracurriculars.

I don't know if I can even put into words what makes the game so addictive to me. The immersion, the excellent writing, the horny but still grounded scenarios... maybe it's all of it.

I also want to give kudos (and this may sound like damnation with faint praise though I don't mean it like that) for the fact that I've spotted literally zero grammar errors so far. I'm not a major grammar cop but a lot of NSFW games are so sloppy that it feels like the writer doesn't even have any respect for the reader. The closest I've gotten is a few encounters where I think my character was supposed to undress to flash some people, but the body part was already exposed, causing the game to say I "nothing" as a verb, but that's just an inevitable bug, not sloppiness from your part.

Anyway, what I mainly wanted to say was, great job! This is clearly a work of passion, and I look forward to playing even more of this game. While I am at the moment rather destitute, I will probably be mentioning this game to the friends I am intimate enough with to recommend such a thing, and I probably will pay for the game too in a month, when I have some money to spare.

I hope you keep working on this awesome game. Maybe add more scenes with the classroom harrasser and roommate's boyfriend? Please? If you want to :)


There're.. you need to progress their story..

You will have the same roommate for long!

If you like the game consider about joining the community.. the discord is really active!


Wow, this is one of the kindest reviews I've ever gotten. Thanks so much for taking the time to write your thoughts!

The erotic games I like the best are ones that take place in a relatively grounded world. It's all about context for me... kinky scenes in a world where everything is sex-crazed madness all the time anyway just don't hit the same as they would in a world where everybody is otherwise fairly rational and realistic. When I was designing the game, putting the wilder scenes in the context of a pretty grounded life sim sandbox just seemed like the thing to do to get the erotic stuff to stand out.

I'm glad you haven't found any grammar errors! I do make mistakes but I try to catch them. :) Before this game my main "line of work" was writing erotica, so mostly it's just a lot of practice. Bugs certainly do happen though!

Please don't feel bad about not being able to offer monetary support. I'm very grateful and appreciative of the people who choose to support me in that way — I literally couldn't be doing this without them — but I know very, very well what it's like to be in a position where there just isn't anything to spare. I don't expect anybody to put themselves in a bad position just to help me, but I truly do appreciate the thought. Spreading the word about the game is also an enormous help!

The Harasser and Admirer will both get large revisions in the upcoming major update (0.5). I have plans for the roommate and their partner too... I don't think they'll make it in right away but probably in an immediate followup (say, 0.5.1). I hope you'll like the direction they go in!


Ohhhh! Roommates's partner and roommate getting more content? Nice!

I love the game as a whole and I am trying to explore every inch of it, but I have to say, that specific route is one of my utmost favorites thus far.

The way you play it out with the roommate's partner sort of "measuring you up" or doing sexual things without you being a part of it is very well done, and it makes you want to do those things just to see how the relationship is going to be developing. Can't wait for the upcoming updates to see what else you bring up to the table

Thank you for your hard work :)


I'm glad that my comment was appreciated :)

I've played this game a bunch in the last few weeks, and I still really like the harasser and roomate's boyfriend, so I'm excited to see more of them! I also tested out more of the sports content, and while I don't think I've found everything the football team and esports teams have to offer yet, I've enjoyed all of the routes. I hope there will be more content there, as well. I like how they very slowly take you into a very different kind of world, but still a believable one. There's a suspension-of-disbelief needle that you're threading very carefully there, but the fact that you pull it off makes it really good. I just hope there will be more content there :)

Eh, I used many words to basically say I hope to see more content everywhere. I think you've got a really nice project going on, and since I saw something about a discord server (or am I mistaken?) I'm gonna look into that next. I'm really glad to have found this gem.