I realize that I have to comment, because this game has really surprised me with how good it is.
I was hesitant about it when I started, because it was a little outside of what I normally play, but this game has managed to suck me in completely. The way the spicy scenes are mixed up with suspension-of-disbelief-supporting life sim mechanics works really well, and makes the wild things the characters get up to so much more exciting than they would be in a vacuum. So far I am particularly enchanted by the classroom harasser, roommate's partner, and best friend scenes, and also by the extracurriculars.
I don't know if I can even put into words what makes the game so addictive to me. The immersion, the excellent writing, the horny but still grounded scenarios... maybe it's all of it.
I also want to give kudos (and this may sound like damnation with faint praise though I don't mean it like that) for the fact that I've spotted literally zero grammar errors so far. I'm not a major grammar cop but a lot of NSFW games are so sloppy that it feels like the writer doesn't even have any respect for the reader. The closest I've gotten is a few encounters where I think my character was supposed to undress to flash some people, but the body part was already exposed, causing the game to say I "nothing" as a verb, but that's just an inevitable bug, not sloppiness from your part.
Anyway, what I mainly wanted to say was, great job! This is clearly a work of passion, and I look forward to playing even more of this game. While I am at the moment rather destitute, I will probably be mentioning this game to the friends I am intimate enough with to recommend such a thing, and I probably will pay for the game too in a month, when I have some money to spare.
I hope you keep working on this awesome game. Maybe add more scenes with the classroom harrasser and roommate's boyfriend? Please? If you want to :)