The "gif" contraption is designed to read gifs as a series of grayscale frames and dither them.
We could make it handle color by replacing that dithering code, which is in the script of the "b" button,
g:"[255,0,255,246,148,108,132,51,61,147,144,86,66,111,185,134,69,0]" grays:(0,1,32+range 16) dict "%j" parse g f.value:raze each i in read["image" "frames"].frames rtext.make["" ""[grays].transform["dither"]] end
With something based on the equivalent in the "scrubber" contraption:
f.value:raze each i in read["image" "frames"].frames rtext.make["" "" i] end
All together as a copyable snippet:
%%WGT0{"w":[{"name":"gif1","type":"contraption","size":[100,100],"pos":[206,121],"def":"colorgif","widgets":{"c":{},"f":{},"b":{}}}],"d":{"colorgif":{"name":"colorgif","size":[100,100],"resizable":1,"margin":[0,0,0,0],"description":"Import and play animated 16-color gifs. Careful: huge gifs can quickly bloat the size of your deck!","script":"on view do\n fr:extract arg where arg..type=\"image\" from f.value\n\n c.clear[]\n if count fr\n\"none\"\n i:fr[(count fr)*60]\n card.size:i.size\n c.paste[i]\n else\n\"solid\"\n end\nend","widgets":{"c":{"type":"canvas","size":[100,100],"pos":[0,0],"locked":1,"animated":1,"border":0,"scale":1},"f":{"type":"field","size":[73,35],"pos":[8,-50],"locked":1},"b":{"type":"button","size":[69,20],"pos":[16,40],"script":"on click do\n f.value:raze each i in read[\"image\" \"frames\"].frames\n rtext.make[\"\" \"\" i]\n end\n view[]\nend","text":"Open Gif..."}}}}}
Note that this is still ultimately limited by Decker's 16-color palette; colors not in the palette are converted into the current palette via a minimum-squared-distance heuristic, which doesn't always do a fantastic job.
For best results you might need to customize Decker's palette and/or use external tools like imagemagick to adjust the GIF's palette. If you just want a little motion and color in your decks, you could instead directly import the "wiggler" contraption from wigglypaint.
Does any of that help point you in the right direction?