i feel like this idea is super interesting and the use of the other half of the keyboard is novel in and of itself and i like to see those unique control schemes. however, it does feel extremely punishing with the enemies in the second level, with health being a resource to manage as well as the "stamina" bar (for lack of a better term) and with the amount of damage they do. i think it would be a bit easier to get the hang of without two enemies in that level, or maybe simply have them deal damage and then leave you alone for a bit or just have them lower the "stamina" bar, as that's a super interesting mechanic that i do really like in this game. also, for just 16 hours this is pretty incredible, having menus and audio and the visual effects tends to be somewhat of an afterthought in my game dev experience so it's really commendable that you've got this "slice" of a game in just 16 hours. well done!