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LeafLight Studios

A member registered Dec 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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so it has gameplay similar to random bullets, but i think that into the rain has much more of a "game" to it and feels much more fun to progress through. maybe more platformer mechanics could add a lot of depth to the game, but thats just a random idea. i'm also pretty impressed with the performance on the web build not being bad despite the multitude of raindrops.

i like the message of this game, and there is definitely a beauty in it's simplicity, although background music or even just sound effects could definitely improve the impact it leaves.

guys i dont think theres a good ending... still i like how this highlights the struggles of the manga industry because that's something most people probably have no idea about and it's really a shame that our world treats it's artists in this way

the cutscenes were pretty cool i think, and the different enemy types are really cool, but the player's movement feels very weird, and they seem to get caught on invisible edges which prevent further movement - seemingly at random, making it much harder to avoid the lasers. the mirrors are weird as everyone else stated already but you knew that already. the fight with robot ofo was almost unbeatable but i did manage to beat it eventually. neat project!

this game absolutely slapped and deserves way more attention. the dialogue was witty, the gameplay simple and understandable yet also challenging and interesting to play around. this game was pretty awesome, i beat the whole thing and i'm really impressed that this was your first time making a game, well done!

i got what appeared to be a couple of repeat questions at the end before i got my results, so maybe thats a bug to look into. other than that, super cool idea!

i'm glad you liked it! yeah the sword not dealing damage was probably a result of hitting one of the goblin knight's armor pieces or weapons, although with the hitboxes as jank as they admittedly are it's extremely possible that it wasn't really your fault for not dealing damage. it definitely needs more time in the oven for the combat system lol.

hey i couldnt figure out how to run the game, all i got when i downloaded it was "main.py" which seems to not be like an application, did you export the build properly?

ok i couldnt find lava hop 1 i dont think it exists

i think that often times it was a bit too punishing, as cubes would either go too high or too low pretty immediately. a wall jump ability of some sort could definitely improve this and make those higher cubes worth chasing after. overall it felt like a classic mario party minigame, so it was ultimately enjoyable. i got a 38 as my highest score although thats mostly because i hugged the wall of an exceptionally tall cube while everything else melted away. pretty neat, and i guess i'll have to check out lava hop 1 now.

i think something like walls or water in the middle of the grass to prevent players from cheating so easily would've been nice, i destroyed johnny red first try without cheating so it's a bit easy, especially with off-roading as free as it is. i think that the concept of a racing game against the best racer ever with an absolutely cracked ai would've been awesome, but i guess johnny red was simply overhyped lol. i do think that a timer would've added a lot of replayability to the game, as it is a racing game after all. something to consider for future endeavors.

the game crashed on me because too many monsters were spawning in lol, i didnt really see any indication that the hero was getting stronger from the genetics over time, and i didnt see any indication i was ever hitting them but i did really enjoy the game and i really enjoyed the concept of a generational survivors-style game.

i liked the simpleness of this gardening game, it was honestly nice to just chill out and carry out the simple tasks. i do wish there was more complexity with the dual-currencies, but with the limited time of a game jam it's understandable not to have that. neat project!

solid little game! although i do wish there were more tile mechanics than just the ones we got, maybe tiles that fall if you stand on them for too long could be cool. i really really liked the kangaroo's idle animation, that's not something you usually see with game jam games, and i thought that was just excellent attention to detail and polish.

i got 330, nice simple game. i would've really loved to be able to get upgrades or something in the middle like vampire survivors and other similar games, but i still enjoyed it nonetheless

i think it was really cool to have the monsters pretty much exclusively just knock the player back rather than having them deal any damage through health, it really drives home the aracade-style focus of the game with the enemies mechanics tying purely into one lose condition, and i liked that it felt tight and focused for that reason. i do think that the blue fiery enemies are a bit hard to tell that they are enemies, maybe something as simple as an outline around them like the wolf and player has would make that more clear.

the prompt is absolutely nuts, i love it. the racing is cool and i honestly really liked the weirder drifting controls and the more dizzying camera, it made me feel like i was fighting for my life inside that car lol. i do feel like more weird ideas could've been incorporated to make it truly fit the subatomic theme, maybe something where you can only ever know your position or speed at a given time, or some other cool references to the science behind subatomic particles and their weirdness could lead to some even cooler ideas i think. still solid game, i just wish it incorporated that idea of subatomic particles because i think that'd be really interesting.

i think it's a solid 2d collect-a-thon, which is a genre that isn't really explored too often so it was interesting to see. i think i got to the end, i got a gun and high-bouncing shoes and went through a hole in the roof into the white void. if i missed something then lmk because i'd love to explore everything in this game but assuming that was it, it was neat, i liked platforming around and finding all the tribal leaders.

it is really tough on keyboard to figure out the inputs, i'll have to plug in a controller and try it out but i think the idea of a quick time game is honestly really cool and underexplored so i like seeing neat ideas like that. also the music absolutely slaps. i'll have to plug in a controller and give it a real shot some other time, but i think this idea has some real promise.

glad you liked it and tried out different build types! i did want to have more than one enemy but of course time constraints limited that greatly. goblin knight 2 perhaps, or maybe just something with similar controls

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alright so unless so at least to me the sprites all appear a bit blurry, they don't have the sharp edges that you'd expect with traditional pixel art. i see you used godot which has linear filtering built in. for pixel art you want nearest if you don't want the weird bluriness to show up. you can change this in under each sprites "texture" property, or before starting a project where you don't want the bluriness you could go to the import settings and change the default filtering to nearest (it's set to linear by default, which works better for something which is high-res and has curves for example). ultimately it is a stylistic choice so it's up to you, but i find that most newer developers don't know that their art can appear crisper if they are going for that pixelated style, and it really helps to give your spritework a higher degree of professionalism if that's what you're going for. hope this cleared it up!

the health bar is a fair nitpick! a number does pop up on the top right for the bosses health but that's only while locked on, and the confusion oj equipment is super fair too, i think i might make a video tutorial to go with the project because it can be kinda tough to grasp on the first several passes. thanks for giving it a shot!

thanks for giving it a shot, it's really rough like i said and i wish i could've given an in depth tutorial but i couldn't fit it in the time limit. the stat screen was something i was really proud of, especially with it coming in the last 3 hours of working on the game lol, glad you liked it too.

actually incredible game, i adored it, i loved the cutscenes, the dialogue through the notes, the shifting mechancis, everything felt great, and the spritework was on point too. really really well done, i hope it continues in some form.

i feel like this idea is super interesting and the use of the other half of the keyboard is novel in and of itself and i like to see those unique control schemes. however, it does feel extremely punishing with the enemies in the second level, with health being a resource to manage as well as the "stamina" bar (for lack of a better term) and with the amount of damage they do. i think it would be a bit easier to get the hang of without two enemies in that level, or maybe simply have them deal damage and then leave you alone for a bit or just have them lower the "stamina" bar, as that's a super interesting mechanic that i do really like in this game. also, for just 16 hours this is pretty incredible, having menus and audio and the visual effects tends to be somewhat of an afterthought in my game dev experience so it's really commendable that you've got this "slice" of a game in just 16 hours. well done!

it's a bit of both honestly, although there isn't much of a narrative other than being generally castle themed (which barrels make sense for), so i guess i just mean the pixel art. everything else uses a very vibrant color palette so it feels a bit out of place when the barrels are very low saturation as they are.

of course! i'll see what i can do

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glad you liked it! i meant there to be many possible build options and hopefully many more in the future in a similar combat style

while the art is a bit inconsistent (linear filtering for pixel art is not the best look), the gameplay itself is really solid and i could see a lot of places where this concept could go, it was really enjoyable to play to the point where i beat every level. there was one bug which was that sometimes it seemed as though i would get launched at double the usual speed if i hit the asteroids at certain angles, but i did really enjoy this one despite this, especially with it being a puzzle game that doesn't ever have one correct answer. good game, could've played 10 more levels if they were there!

i think the slippery controls are honestly really fun in giving that sort of metaphorical friction between the player and their goal, although it does become very punishing with just falling off the map. obstacles on the map could be nice, and maybe if the map had walls or very high terrain around it to sort of keep the car trapped inside would be an improvement imo. nice game! way to make it work with the more bizarre idea that was generated!

that was my plan actually for the future, to expand on the mechanics for a pvp type game. and yeah i intended to have a tutorial to explain everything but i really just ran out of time on this one. i'm glad you gave it the chance to get the hang of it and enjoy it!

the barrels do seem a bit out of place, but i see you did what you had to do to fit with the idea generated, and although the controls take some getting used to with the jump being an exactly 45 degree angle making it much different from other platformers, i really enjoyed it. the character went fast and and it felt frantic but not too out of my hands to give up entirely, and then the inclusion of the timer is just the cherry on top to making this game feel fun. the wall jumps are a bit tough to figure out, maybe having the player slide down walls if they aren't touching the floor already could make them easier as well as allowing for more interesting platforming in the potential future. great game!

i like it! the concept of single player uno is not one i've ever seen before, and honestly could have a lot of potential. i could definitely see this going in a balatro-like route if you wanted to expand on the idea. also the soundtrack is 10/10.

awesome game! i do really think that mouse based controls in general are pretty underused and i think it's super cool that you deviated from the norm with this. the control scheme is challenging but not too punishing, and it kept me wanting to keep playing to get a higher score. although the art clashes pretty harshly with itself as each thing is in a different style, it's easy to overlook because it maintains that feeling of arcade-y fun.

also not to self promo too hard here but i also tried to get creative with mouse controls in my game, consider checking it out!

this game is super cool, i do think that some hit feedback, particularly on the boss would've been a big improvement (it was hard to tell if i was damaging it at all), other than that though this game is really solid, i love the non-linearity of it unlike many other metroidvanias, there were significant branching paths. i also really enjoyed the dialogue throughout which teaches the game. well done!

"only 3 wyrms" might be the record right now lol, thank you so much for playing! due to the unconventional nature of the game i don't think many people gave it a chance to kill a single wyrm. glad you enjoyed!

this game is super awesome, the random generation means you could theoretically play it forever. the art is super charming and impressive. the game can both be a little too hard or too easy though due to the randomness (i died because a bomb spawned right in front of my path, but before that i effectively had an infinite loop) so balance is a bit off, but overall this game is really cool, i loved it.

the puzzles were a bit easy so i often felt like i was fighting with slow movement, but the color changing idea was super cool to see implemented. however, i feel like the door sprite should've probably been something else if it was hungering for a color to help with clarity for what to do in a room, as sometimes it's a box on a tile which activates the door and sometimes it's a color, so something to visually distinguish between which the player should be focusing on, especially in rooms that throw everything at you would've been helpful. also i noticed the sprites jittering while moving boxes around, i had a similar issue in my game but i was able to fix it. we both used godot so likely the same thing would work. let me know if you'd like any advice on that!

the game feels very punishing as the enemies seem to do contact damage, i think if they had attack animations like the player it would've been much easier to grasp the game at first. the concept of defeating enemies to transform into them all is really cool though, reminds me of mega man but for animals. i also really like how each of the different enemy types is defined by being good at a different stat, it makes them all feel interesting and different rather than one simply being a better version than another, thats good game design right there!

the art, atmosphere, music, and dialogue is phenomenal, this game is the coolest one i've seen and it is my absolute favorite stylistically in this jam thus far. however the strategy of the game appear to be kind of lacking, and often enemies will spam attacks which means you miss some parries no matter what. maybe a succesful parry could reset the bar to full to reward successive parrying? i really liked this one and i think it could go further if you wanted to