Here is the code if you can put an eye on it:
default nome_protagonista = "Andrew" default nome_landlady = "landlady" default nome_ruolo = "tenant" define gui.dialogue_text_outlines = [ (1.5, "#000000a8", 0, 0) ] define gui.name_text_outlines = [ (1.5, "#000000a8", 0, 0) ] define p = DynamicCharacter('nome_protagonista', color="#3d3dca") # Blu per il protagonista define l = DynamicCharacter('nome_landlady', color="#ff69b4") # Rosa per la landlady define s = DynamicCharacter('nome_ruolo', color="#00ff3c")
define c = Character('Clarissa', color="#FFA500") define m = Character('Margot', color="#fcfc00") define j = Character('Jennifer', color="#17c2bc") screen inserisci_nome_protagonista(): zorder 100 vbox: align (0.5, 0.5) text "Before starting this journey, what is your name?" input default nome_protagonista value VariableInputValue("nome_protagonista") length 20 textbutton "Confirm" action Return() screen inserisci_nome_landlady(): zorder 100 vbox: align (0.5, 0.5) text "Another important question, what is your landlady for you?" input default nome_landlady value VariableInputValue("nome_landlady") length 20 textbutton "Confirm" action Return() screen inserisci_nome_ruolo(): zorder 100 vbox: align (0.5, 0.5) text "And you for her?" input default nome_ruolo value VariableInputValue("nome_ruolo") length 20 textbutton "Confirm" action Return() screen check_age_screen(): zorder 100 vbox: align (0.5, 0.5) text "This game deals with themes not suitable for minors." text "Have you reached the legal age in your country?" textbutton "Yes" action Return() textbutton "No" action Quit(confirm=False) # Inizio della storia
label start: call screen check_age_screen call screen inserisci_nome_protagonista call screen inserisci_nome_landlady call screen inserisci_nome_ruolo $ persistent.nome_protagonista = nome_protagonista $ persistent.nome_landlady = nome_landlady $ persistent.nome_ruolo = nome_ruolo