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can you post the replay_setup so I don't have to create sopmething for testing

yes, this evening I post it here, thanks

## Replay Gallery screen ######################################
## This is a simple screen that shows buttons that replay a scene from the game.
init python:
    maxthumbx = config.screen_width / (3 + 1)
    maxthumby = config.screen_height / (3 + 1)
    replay_page = 0
    class ReplayItem:
        def __init__(self, thumbs, replay, name):
            self.thumbs = thumbs
            self.replay = replay
   = name
        def num_replay(self):
            return len(self.thumbs)
    #add replay items here format below
    #Replay_items.append(ReplayItem(["the thumbnail"], "the_label_from_code", "brief description"))
    Replay_items = []
    Replay_items.append(ReplayItem(["images/gallery/firstfall.jpg"], "firstfall", "{color=#000}Monica fall 1{/color}"))
    Replay_items.append(ReplayItem(["images/gallery/patreon.jpg"], "patreon", "{color=#000}Patreon explaination{/color}"))
# a black background screen for the selection
image black = "#000"
#the locked image for the replay gallery if you're using the gallery you can use the same (if you want to)
image replay_locked = "images/gallery/replay_lock.png"
#384x216 (16x9) set 1280x720p for the lock and thumbnails
#600x338 (16x9) set 1920x1080 for the lock and thumbnails
#replay thumbnails images setup defined here

are you using the Replayexit screen ?

a quick fix is at each replay label add this before the Replayexit screen

label firstfall:
    if _in_replay:      
        $ nome_protagonista = persistent.nome_protagonista
        $ nome_landlady = persistent.nome_landlady
        $ nome_ruolo = persistent.nome_ruolo

you mean this? $ renpy.end_replay() 

If you talk about the exit button nope, I don't have it in my replays

(1 edit)

No add that at the start of the replay area (the label that you start the replay at) add that code

label firstfall:   # <-- replay label to start the replay
    if _in_replay:  # add this and the next 3 lines of code
        $ nome_protagonista = persistent.nome_protagonista
        $ nome_landlady = persistent.nome_landlady
        $ nome_ruolo = persistent.nome_ruolo

you will have to add this to every replay label...

ok I'll try it tonight, but when I give it that "persistent" it always gives me a yellow underline saying that I haven't defined the persistents, I'll see if it works like that

you don't have to define or default persistent variables, but the renpy extension for VScode still complains about it

it works! Really thanks a lot!


you're welcome

good luck with your project