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I got stuck, couldn't find out what to do with the stuffed red dress, or how to open the door in the castle... If there is a lot of content after that, please let me know how to get past that so I can finish the game and maybe update my vote :)

I liked the visuals even though the pixelated character and the non-pixelated everything else made it a bit awkward.

It was a bit hard to know where you could get to new screens, and where you coulk walk (maybe I missed a screen which would unblock me even?).

I liked the humor, but it was a bit spoiled by many typos in simple item descriptions (staute instead of statue, for example).

Good game overall, wish I could finish it to see what I missed ^_^

(1 edit) (+1)

It seems quite a few people get stuck on the red dress.  Normally I put everything into a Design Doc so the spell check grabs them, this one was a little bit more ad-hoc so I failed to catch some spelling mistakes. Once the jam is done then I will go back and fix it. 












Dirty dress - > water ¬> clean dress - > straw ¬> frog - > poster -, > rope