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A member registered Sep 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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I agree with the dialogues, I probably would have changed it to the way I had it in my previous game if I had had more time.

For the bag of tool bug, I saw it just after uploading. To be fair, everything after the discussion in the workshop was done in the last 30 minutes before submitting... so there was not a lot of testing involved to spot bugs... :'D

Corners... of course. I tried sides, straight sides, but not number of corners... T_T

I'll give it a go again after I finish testing all the other games, thanks for the tip! :D

My bad! :D It's just the assets that led me to believe that ^_^ More props to you then, Java is *hard*! :')

It was okay overall, but I personally didn't find it super engaging, don't know exactly why. :/

I liked the time pause mechanic, but the overall nonsense story and graphical style didn't resonate with me.

Still a good little point and click game for a jam :)

Couldn't find what to do to progress, found a secret door with nothing behind it, found a blocked door, and a lever that does nothing...

The light level was quite bad though, and the strangely placed candelabras everywhere didn't really help much.

It's quite obvious this was a test for whatever visual engine you were using, and you were not used to it, but in its current state, the game is not really engaging, and there is no story at all. :/

I got stuck, couldn't find out what to do with the stuffed red dress, or how to open the door in the castle... If there is a lot of content after that, please let me know how to get past that so I can finish the game and maybe update my vote :)

I liked the visuals even though the pixelated character and the non-pixelated everything else made it a bit awkward.

It was a bit hard to know where you could get to new screens, and where you coulk walk (maybe I missed a screen which would unblock me even?).

I liked the humor, but it was a bit spoiled by many typos in simple item descriptions (staute instead of statue, for example).

Good game overall, wish I could finish it to see what I missed ^_^

I loved it! :D

The story/background was a bit meh, but the way you built descriptions and interactions in the game + the absurd humor used made me forget that ^_^

The audio was probably the weakest part of the game though.

Overall, great game :)

I really really liked the art on this one! :)

I didn't fully understand the story, or the ending (as discussed on Discord, there was a lack of time and cuts had to be made which hurt the context a bit, it's understandable ^_^), but it was still quite enjoyable. :)

Very nice game overall :)

The story is a bit on the light side, but the puzzles are well rythmed and make sense. You can see it's an RPG Maker game with premade assets, but it looks good, and at least it's built like an adventure/point and click game and not like an RPG game (eg: no random battles while walking around ^_^).

I liked all the flavour descriptions, and the fact you could highlight interactable items.

I couldn't finish the game because I couldn't figure out for the life of me the code for the second door, and I was stuck there with no way to go back that I could find to get more hints maybe?... :( I may have missed something though. :)

Even with that, this is a great game! :)

Only negative feedback is about the text appearing animations. It would have been good that they would be a bit faster, or at least skippable (click to skip animation and see the full sentence).

Oh believe me, this game is better off without my pathetic attemps at animating the characters (I tried! and failed...). :D

Thanks for the feedback :)

I'm sorry for the reversed controls. I probably haven't played enough point and click games recently, and when I tested my game at first with the default controls (which are as you described), I was confusing them every time, so I decided to change them because it made more sense to me.

I should have listened to my testers who told me they were a bit confused by the controls... it's totally my bad on this :S

Just for future reference, if I work with this art style again, which items, if you remember, did you find unrecognizable without their description? :)

Ok, got unstuck. So, just next to the lock, you can click on the "reinforcements", of the trunk (4 of them), and one of them can be removed, then... you can eventually get out of the trunk. :)

There is an arrow at the bottom of the screen, to see another screen. I'm still stuck after that though. :)

Oh my god, that first music is the same as was used in the Legacy of the Dragonborn Skyrim mod, and it threw me off so much trying to remember where I heard it before! :D

I liked the game overall, it gives the broad lines of Anne Bonny's life, and is fun enough to play.

After the ending, and back to the menu, my mouse cursor was invisible. And there is no button to quit the game that I could find, so ALT+F4 it was. :)

The change between the first and second scene was a bit jarring though, as you have to dress as a boy, then you're outside and apparently some boys are flirting with you, so you're not disguised as a boy anymore. It's not entirely obvious that it's another period of her life, even with the text at the top.

I liked the idea of the bartering with the merchants, even if it meant a lot of back and forth, but you could honestly have come up with better names than "Merchant A" through "E" :D

I liked the character's design in the intro, but the rest of the graphics were quite lackluster. :( It's probably a conscious decision to use that style, but why not have the only interactable item in the whole game (the kris) be in the same style, rather than "popping out" like that with a very different style?

There was a lot to visit, but not a lot to do. Some dialogues would replay when they shouldn't (I got the ring discussion twice, probably because I read all the books again after getting it once, and I got the ending twice too).

The menu to quit the game didn't work. Clicking on "Quit Game" did nothing, so I had to ALT+F4 after the ending. :)

It's not a bad game for a jam overall, but might benefit from maybe a bit more interaction, and improved graphics in the game in the style of the intro, as I liked those. :)

There were some clipping issues with textures once inside the station, and the head bobbing when walking was a bit annoying (probably just personal preference though). When speaking on the radio, there was some sort of hissing sound going into a loop. I'm not sure it was intended (maybe it should just have played once?), but it was very annoying, especially because you couldn't make the conversation go faster.

Another small thing I've noticed is that you can interact with anything from very far away (I opened the Junction door from the end of the corridor :D).

I haven't tried all possibilities, I went with Prince, so I may have missed out on a large part of the game. I'll replay it later and make other choices. :)

Overall, a pretty good game for a jam, just some qualities of life things that could be improved, but again, time was limited, so it's understandable. :)

I couldn't get past the lock. Only found the screwdriver and the teddy bear, but nothing I tried would work.

It took me a long time to actually see the arrow at the bottom of the screen, to even find those items to begin with, but even with them, I couldn't find what to do to progress further.

Also, some mistranslations from French to English made some sentences hard to understand, or just changed their sense entirely in English (I tested the French version to see what the original text was).

Please let me know how to get past that lock and I'll try the rest of the game, because I feel like I'm missing out on something by just seeing the inside of that chest in this game. :)

You probably want to change your links in the description to the English Wikipedia links rather than the French ones. ;)

The graphics are nice, and you're giving a lot of historical information (maybe too much for some people, but I personally liked it).

That being said, it doesn't really feel like an adventure game, it's more of an RPG (as the name RPG Maker implies), albeit simplified.

I liked the graphics, it reminded me a bit of "collage". The absurd peanut characters is an artistic choice I can get behind, but the pink cow with a phone using Comic Sans and using modern acronyms was really out of place imho.

The whole game is based on absurd, but even knowing that, I didn't really understand the ending. :(

Sound-based puzzles are uncommon, so it was nice to have one here. :)

Very short, and not really much choice given? (I didn't try not pushing the guy though)

This could be a cool game, but it would need a bit more content and interaction. :)

(1 edit)

Really like the art style, but I got stuck in the first part? Couldn't find what to do with the drink, flavoured drink, or coffee, or how to get past the staff only guard. The flavoured drink was not for anyone that I could find... :(

As for feedback for the game mechanics, it was a bit strange to still be able to move while talking to someone. I kept moving around when clicking to continue the dialogues.

Animations were pretty good, and the game in general was enjoyable to play, but imho I'd say it's more of a platformer than an adventure game?

Really liked the game overall.

I didn't see the inventory until pretty far in the game, and had a hard time finding the safe (I was trying to find a hidden spot on the wall >.>), but otherwise a nicely done point and click game. :)