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I really liked your story for the theme and I think it worked great as a 4 act structure in the music! 

I think the first song feels a little too different from the rest as I got a bit of whiplash from that song to all throughout the sky one remains.

speaking of, my main bit of advice is for the second and third songs. I think they need a better hook at the start because as is they both sound very strange and a tad off-putting at the start. Like, compared to the first and last songs, those feel a lot more professional compared to the middle 2 at the starts.

Thank you for the feedback

The reason the second one sounds like quite a leap in comparison to the first is because it was actually the last song I made despite being the second chronologically, and I made it in around an hour (since that was how much time was left of the jam). It definitely could have used quite a bit of work though, and as for the first song not fitting that's my fault as I changed my vision for the game after I made it, but I didn't redo it because I felt it would be a waste of time.

Thank you so much once again, your critiques were very well worded and I'll definitely be sure to apply them to any future projects I do!