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(2 edits)

I really like the progression of this song and which directions the chords/harmonies start to take. But I will have to say that I missed a climax, all the melodies were great but they didn’t feel like they paid off eventually. That could also just be me since I’m also not really a choir guy other than in orchestras. It felt kind of like this was more of an intro to an orchestral song that would later open up with the rest of the orchestra. I don’t know how hard it is to use voxos either but the choir did sound really good. I think you did a good job overall!

54 seconds before the deadline by the way, you mad man.

If it helps reduce some stress for future jams: You can create a project page for the jam and just gradually add things as you make them. This is what I usually do so I don’t have to worry about creating the whole project last minute. But maybe you already do this, I don’t know how common of a method this is or if it’s useful to you or anyone else but here it is anyway.

As for the climax, it was supposed to happen on the last dominant chord but I had to pitch bend the last D to make it an E (because E was outside of the VST range), somehow it didnt worked during the rendering and I didnt listened to the song entirely before publishing, so that's a bit sad, also the lack of dynamics management on my part is not helping the tension building. And I actually did created the project before the deadline. The thing is that with how little time I have for these jam I should aim for something less ambitious than a 6 voice choir with a software i've never used before haha.

Ah that does suck. The end result is still really good, especially if you don’t have much time on your hands for these things and even use software you’re unfamiliar with. That makes me respect the work even more. I hope my comment didn’t come out too negative as it wasn’t meant like that, nor did I mean to make an assumption about your time management. It was more meant as a joking sidenote with potentially a helpful tip for some. I look forward to hearing more music from you in future jams!