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Aurélien Castel

A member registered Aug 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello, excuse me but the streaming link is required, you just need to create a free soundcloud or youtube account and upload your music there, if you feel shy to put your music online you can upload it as a private track, this way only people from this jam will be able to listen to it.

Can you fix your streaming link please, it doesnt lead to your track.

You can use it if:

  • It require no account or download.
  • There is a read only mode.
  • There is a creation/last edit date showing when listening to the file.

Nice organic compostition, maybe it even moves a bit too much for a background music. Also I think it is because of the tempo and the ryhtmic choices, but it feels more like a puzzle game music than a platformer one. The section at 1:36 to me is too static for a fast paced game like mario, and not very excited from a purely musical point of vue either. Still very nice job with the melodic cells development and the mood of the piece that is very underground compatible.

It sounds great and fits the underground area very well. Yet it is too serious and ethereal for a Mario game.

It packs a lot of personality with so few elements. Nice job.

I like how it sounds regarding chiptune, the structure of the piece is also well done. However I am not a fan of the harmony and melody direction, because it don't makes me feel like I am underground, and also because it goes round in circle a bit.

Very interesting take, from the submissions I've heard its one of the few that does something quite different from the OST while keeping an high credibility. I guess it comes down to the harmonic choices but also some sort of lightness from the drums + electronic piano and the scattered melodic cells.

This one is sooo on point, very well composed, nice variety from the different sections while keeping cohesiveness, catchy as fuck, cell development, great drum work, dynamics. To me, even without the chiptune, the mood match perfectly both the underground and the cartonish / colorfullness of mario. Does this respect the NES limitation as well?


The bass and drums part is a bit too repetitive imo, and overall I miss some kind of B section. Still I like your choice of melodic cells. Very credible both for Mario and the underground level.

Nice tune, could work very well in a 2D Mario, but I don't really see the energy of the track beeing underground related.

(1 edit)

Damn, great job, clearly too sci-fi / synth-heavy for the cartoonish world of Mario, but the sound design is awesome, the mood is great for underground, and the pace of the piece great for a 2d platformer. Composition wise it's well balanced and the chord progression + the little chiptunes arpeggios here and there prevent boredom.
Also I recommend you post a link to your submission on the discord, to prevent score penalty happening from having not enough ratings.

I really liked it, it's true that it sound a bit too woody for the underground zone, but other than that I can see myself playing a 2D platformer to this and the arrangement makes sense for the Mario universe, it's colorfull.

Considering the theme, I understand the atonal direction of the piece, but some of the melodic choice still sound wrong imo, especially when you think about what is Mario as a game, I don't see what justify such experimental polytonal moments.

Classic, simple but well crafted and with good harmony choices to fit the underground, maybe a bit too serious for the mario world.

Some of the chords (on the piano) are a bit out of place imo both regarding the underground vibe but also for the sound balance and esthetic of the piece. Other than that i liked the piece.

Considering the track is for a 2d platformer I think a steady tempo would work better, especially when you want to use a lot of different melodic cells, a more squared frame can help to make it work.

The intro is so long-winded, especially for a song that is supposed to loop. What comes after is so good though! To me it matches the level super well, maybe slighly too "haunted house".

The chords and melody choice make it sound more like an adventure game happening on a wide plain rather than an underground level of a  platformer. In itself the piece is really good imo, a bit conventional but the melody is catchy, the structure is solid, there is some mouvement in the inner parts, so good job for the composition.

I dont see how this is related to the theme.

Nice I think it works well for the type of game and the mood of the level, especially the section at 0:49. Maybe its a bit too reverbery and not punchy enough for a mario.

On mobile your soundcloud link require to download the app. Honestly I dont see this at all for a mario platformer, still the music have a good depth and the sound design is nice. When it come to composition it lacks development its too monolithic.

I think the drums lacks a bit of punch. Also would have liked the piece to stand more on the foreground,to be more melodic and catchy, I dont really know why but I expect 2d platformers to have a soundtrack you can listen on its own more than puzzle games or fps for example.

I thinks it fit the underground theme well but I find it too dreamy and ethereal for a game like mario, especially for a pretty fast paced 2d platformer. 

Your soundcloud link doesn't lead to your track, you need to provide a direct link to your track.

Your Youtube link is invalid, you need to upload your track to Youtube and write down the link to the video.

From all the simple / minimalistic I've heard it's the best one because I think it's the only one that introduce  pleasantly surprising twist and turn while still keeping a high coherence (eg from 0:20 to 0:25), which for me is one of the harder thing to achieve in music: Targetting an atmosphere and turning it into something less commun but with enough mastery that it seems natural.

Tom Nook stares at you intensly while you are both lying half naked on the beach. The sunset shines pastels colors over the horizon, will you ever have another summer like this one? At least your memories with Tom are forever.

Nice track by the way.

I like it a lot, from time to time I feel it lacks a bit of "brightness" maybe caused by the encounter of some bass or melody notes with the harmony, or maybe its just the chords choice overall.

First thing: this is way too loud, and I don't know what it is but there is an issue with the kicks its really unpleasant.
Composition wise it is too repetitive, and the asynchrony of the motif could work but it doesnt sound right as it is, maybe the gap between the two melodic lines is either too big or too small. Still the instrument choice is pretty good and make sense for the game even if in the end it gave me more of a "campfire song" feel.

It would have been better to put this in  Streaming link, because we rating we expect to lend on the piece once we click on the link. Anyway, I think the track is great, I wish at 1:10 you changed thinks up to create more contrast. Also at 1:34 I was disapointed that such a cool break had to fade away instatly instead of seing some kind of development.

The guitar tone and chord progression / mode, make it sound urban and nocturnal to me.

Well balanced. Somehow I find the night part a bit too "emotional". I really like the chord types you used in the midday part, you avoided being too conventional (you know that elevator / corporate music vibe), but without leanning too much toward jazz or some modern sound.

Yeah I am so bad at mixing and never had to deal with vocal, plus I was in a rush to post it...once the jam is over I will use this track to learn some mixing and mastering stuff.

Awesome piece, yet it don't makes much sense for this jam.

It sounds very medieval to me from 0:33 to 1:05.

I like the main chromatic chord sequence no cap. The melody choice on the "kk slider" seems a bit random and the cuica goes way too hard.

I love it, I hear a classical chamber music approch, nice theme, nice development and conterpoint. An easy improvment for me would be to give a bit more spotlight (like a melodic line from time to time) and variety in the accompaniement /patterns.

I really like the chord at 0:47, maybe at 1:08 you could have made a variation either melodically or use a different chord to renew the listener attention.