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A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Usually I go for a lot of weird time signatures as well, but I am trying to dim down my odd time signature usage for composing jams because in the past it's felt like not everyone was able to appreciate them. But I am happy to see that the number of submissions in odd time signatures in composing jams seem to increase more and more each jam, goes hand in hand with the jams getting popular obviously. 

I also quickly want to mention to you that you're submission is definitely one of my favorites!

Thanks a lot! One of my biggest musical influences is the band TOOL and there's just cymbals left right and center in those songs. I'm a sucker for them, although I must admit I go overboard sometimes haha. Thank you very much for all the kind words!

Thank you very much. I really appreciate you going back and listening to the second track as well!

Ah that does suck. The end result is still really good, especially if you don’t have much time on your hands for these things and even use software you’re unfamiliar with. That makes me respect the work even more. I hope my comment didn’t come out too negative as it wasn’t meant like that, nor did I mean to make an assumption about your time management. It was more meant as a joking sidenote with potentially a helpful tip for some. I look forward to hearing more music from you in future jams!

Didn't really know what to expect from this one after reading your description. But the cello had a nice little melody. And the tuned percussion had a very nice progression. All of the instruments work very well together and felt exactly right, nothing felt out of place. You utilized your points very well, and utilized the instruments even better. Great job!

(1 edit)

"4/4 is for squares" is an extremely powerful statement I wholeheartedly agree with. (But don't hate me because my submission is in 4/4)

I really wasn't expecting much from this submission in all honesty. That's why I was double pleasantly surprised when I heard it. It's really creative with all the effects, (odd) time signature and the arrangement. While listening I even forgot I was just listening to a bunch of bagpipes. I think you did a really great job and nailed the challenge.  

(1 edit)

The atmosphere of the track sounds very nice, soothing and calming. You used the piano and the synth really well to build your atmosphere and that's worth a compliment. But I feel there's a lack of variation in the track, the sound stays fairly the same and the instruments don't divert much from what they do. I do like how at around the 1 minute mark it seems to be just one instrument playing before bringing the other instruments back. The added kick was also a good addition, but I do feel like you could've utilized the electronic percussion a little more to make it more interesting and more effective as a payoff. This track definitely has potential and all these things I pointed out are just something I personally think. Depending on the context, I could absolutely see myself making a track like this as well. All in all, I still think you did a good job and the things I pointed are only a bit of open-minded feedback.

(2 edits)

I really like the progression of this song and which directions the chords/harmonies start to take. But I will have to say that I missed a climax, all the melodies were great but they didn’t feel like they paid off eventually. That could also just be me since I’m also not really a choir guy other than in orchestras. It felt kind of like this was more of an intro to an orchestral song that would later open up with the rest of the orchestra. I don’t know how hard it is to use voxos either but the choir did sound really good. I think you did a good job overall!

54 seconds before the deadline by the way, you mad man.

If it helps reduce some stress for future jams: You can create a project page for the jam and just gradually add things as you make them. This is what I usually do so I don’t have to worry about creating the whole project last minute. But maybe you already do this, I don’t know how common of a method this is or if it’s useful to you or anyone else but here it is anyway.

Wow, this is really really awesome. I heard this one on the discord and was amazed then, and am amazed now. The mix is really good, the melodies are really good, and god I just want to tell you how much I love the part where the violin makes it’s first appearance. The little melody it plays is really catchy and is also so effective at pulling the listener out of the incredible guitar stuff that just happened, give them a little break with a sorta playful yet kind of aggresive violin melody (that’s the best I could describe it but it might not make sense), only to them throw them into another rockfest. I guess I’m just a sucker for a good violin in a rock song. Extremely good work, my favorite submission so far and I already knew it would be when I heard it on the discord.

I think you nailed exactly what you were going for. It sounds very dreamy to me, in a good way. A really simple little detail I really liked is the panning on the shaker, the song would’ve been less dynamic had it just sat still in one ear for example. Great musical choices all around. All the instruments support each other very well and paint a beautiful fantasy dreamworld picture in my head. Those vocal samples sounded really great as well. Great job!

Interesting choice to put the bass a little in the left ear, but I’m all for it as I often say to screw the norm. The bassline is pretty catchy and I quite enjoy just the intro alone when only the bass and percussion is playing. That alone is already quite catchy. The synths play a fun bouncy melody (I don’t know why I chose the word bouncy but that’s what came to mind). However, I feel the mix might be a little unbalanced between the instruments but that could very well just be my own personal preference. I felt the synths were popping out a bit too much with a sharp sound.

I would like to add that effects do wonders and that I think your music could’ve been even better if it utilized some more efffects. 

Overall you did a very good job! I haven’t heard your other works but from what I’ve read in the description it seems you’ve made quite a few steps forward with making music; I think that is really great and you definitely have something to be proud of! Keep composing, partner!

Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad you still enjoyed the tracks. I’ll probably continue working on these tracks in the future and process your feedback into them.

Thank you very much!

For the music, can there be chords/multiple bleeps at the same time (polyphony)? I am using the soundfont from the resources page and I want to create a track with chords and lower and high notes playing at the same time but don't know if that was possible on a Nokia and/or if it's a rule on the jam as I couldn't see it specified anywhere.

I love the energy in this! I imagined a nice, cheerful and happy little town and birds happily drinking from the fountain in the cover. Great work! 

It's been said multiple times already but the decision to use a waltz pattern or 3/4 time signature really does wonders for the energy of this track, good job!

Thank you so much! I sadly missed the second town music jam, I found out there was a second one a couple days after it ended. I'm glad you like my first Town Music Jam track, I'm surprised you think so as it is an odd song with odd time signatures and polymeters, but hey, can't complain :)

Thank you. My idea was to have the first track do its little things where all the instruments start harmonizing and then theres a quick break and then it all returns so that it's not just your typical buildup, climax, loop kind of track but in hindsight I agree with you that it could've been cut out.

Thank you for the feedback! 

Thank you!

Thank you very much! 

Thank you!

Thanks a lot for all the kind and helpful words!

Thanks for the feedback! It was an absolute chore for sure but I thought I’d challenge myself. I was intrigued by the new version of MuseScore and thought the built-in orchestra sounded nice, better than what I had in FL Studio in my opinion because it has more possibilities with dynamics and articulations so I decided to just go with MuseScore for once. I definitely bit off more than I could chew so I agree with you and I think I’m going to try working on these tracks to make them a bit fuller. Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much!

Merry Christmas to you too :)

Great track, I was definitely headbanging along to this. The guitar sounded really powerful and heavy and the drums were super powerful as well. Also that guitar riff is nasty and I like it a lot. Awesome work!

Nice work! I really like how you mixed electronic with orchestral, worked really well in the end. Also that piano part sounded beautiful, especially around 2:20. Nicely done!

Fantastic atmosphere! Felt really immersed in your world with the first 3 tracks and the last one really topped it all off. The beat was really awesome and that bass synth sounds super heavy and powerful! Awesome work!

Thank you for all the kind words! Hope I’ll be able to make it next jam as well, been a bit busy with school lately but that usually doesn’t stop me.

Thank you! Once I had the workflow down (which I developed mostly during the making of ''In The Moonlight'')  I applied it to the other songs and it made it a lot easier coming up with ideas and continuing work.

This is really great, I really enjoyed the part at 1:50. The shakers were a really great touch to the atmosphere and the synth lead afterwards was great. Melodies were great and kept me interested all throughout the song. Great work!

Also that bassline is awesome!

I think you being a bit out of your element really helped this song bring more personality. Like always I really loved it and I think it fits very well in the Cyberpunk genre but not the kind people usually think of now that the Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack is often seen as a leading style of Cyberpunk music. The orchestral elements work really well with the synths and the atmosphere you created is incredible, especially at the beginning when the other instruments accompany the piano. Amazing work!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks, I didn't even know there was a 10 minute limit, must've glossed over that while reading the rules.

Yes, I felt like I didn’t need to make every song sound dark and instead went for something more uplifting because I’m sure there’s nice and uplifting things somewhere in an imaginary cyberpunk world, thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you. I tend to make weird choices when making music even if the larger portion of listeners dislike meter changes. I like tricking peoples ears, for example the 5 over 3 stuff in the beginning, but I'm glad that you were able to grasp these things and give feedback on the odd stuff that other listeners might not notice.

Thanks for the kind words but also thanks for the feedback on the piano and the bass. I went back into my daw and changed the piano and you're right, it does sound unbalanced with the lower notes on the piano. Thanks again.

Thank you! 

At first I wanted to do a more cheerful song but ultimately decided to go with a more dark sound because I imagined the books in the town holding dark spells, dark magic, etc.

I really love both tracks! The strings in the first track are really great and the percussion is really good too, adds to the tension and makes for an epic track. 

The second track is to no surprise also incredibly good. The built up is really good and I absolutely love the horns and trombones (I think those are the instruments used but I could be wrong). The melody here is really nice and the strings and percussion that support it make it a very epic track like the first one. Fantastic job.