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v1.94 has been released.   

It adds the ability to adjust the number of color swatches per row in the Map Palette.    

I don't  think it's exactly perfect.   Among other things, the UI for it is a bit clunky.   But it does work so I figured it was better to post the update than make you wait for me to figure out how to UI it all nice and clean.

Give it a go when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

Some things to note, the example palette you gave has a few duplicated colors.  Two of the grays IIRC.   This throws off their appearance in the tool because the tool simple scans input files for UNIQUE colors.   I went ahead and added a version of the palette with all unique colors to the set of sample palettes that are included with the tool.   Long term, I'd like to make the tool smarter about handling duplicate colors when loading from a file that is obviously a set of palette swatches (the current behavior is more designed around extracting the palette from an arbitrary image), but again I didn't want to make you wait while I figured out how to make that happen.   One work around would be to save the image in an indexed color format as the tool does support duplicate colors when importing from indexed files.


Great! I’ll download the application right away. Regarding duplicate colors, since color sets are something users will reuse daily, it’s easier for users to slightly modify those colors to make them unique before indexing them. Alternatively, on the programming side, you could consider adding something like “separators” to readjust their order.

As for ideas, if you plan to integrate support for indexed images, considering how practical PixelPaletteTool is for managing palettes, it would be fantastic to have the ability to export those palettes as PAL or ACT files.

Lastly, I understand if it’s not possible, but since you’ve asked for my opinion, I usually store my favorite toolkit in the cloud to work remotely. For that reason, I think it would be excellent to consider creating a portable version… Without further ado, I want to thank you again for your time, and I bid you farewell with a warm hug! 🤗

Cool, let me know what you think of the new features when you get a chance.

> integrate support for indexed images

The tool should load indexed images.  By support do you mean saving images in an indexed format?

> it would be fantastic to have the ability to export those palettes as PAL or ACT files.

This is something I've been meaning to do for ages, so thanks for prodding me on it!

Got this working for Microsoft PAL files today, will work on JASC PAL files also.

For PAL, do you mean the JASC PAL files (as supported by

For ACT do you mean the Adobe format described here ?

Hope to get loading and saving palettes in these formats working shortly and add support for Gimp (GPL) and Paint.Net (TXT) palette files as well just for good measure.  :)

▪ New features.
I don’t really think the way you’ve integrated the new features into the interface is bad. Perhaps it’s strange that it starts by loading all the colors stacked, but I don’t feel it’s a problem. Anyway, I’ve put together a small mockup to help you brainstorm ideas.

▪ Indexed images.

English isn’t my first language, so I misunderstood something you said earlier.

To provide better context, at that moment, I thought it would be great to be able to manipulate the palettes of images created with this tool as easily as color samples are rearranged.

(In the production of this type of graphics, it’s often necessary to respect a specific order in color entries, either to share a global palette or to identify the transparency mask color. But, as I mentioned, all of this arose from a mistaken assumption.)

▪ PAL or ACT files.

I must confess that I’m not familiar with the technical characteristics of these formats, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to provide an answer in this context. I apologize.