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AWW thank you for playing, Hiro!! 😭 I really appreciate it! 

LMAO I'm happy that you found Geist charming, I feel like I've gotten the gamut of reactions ranging from "he's charming in a gremlin way/my favorite" to "I literally want to want to kill him immediately." I agree that Shaun made him WAY more likeable than he ever had a right to be *sigh* 

I'm glad that you found it relatable dgdfgd honestly the conclusion was inspired by a lot of friendships in my own life - where friends would reach out to me, and I would regret not reaching out to them in return. And it was unfair to them, and sometimes the friendship would fall away because of it (it's something I still struggle with).

LOL YES honestly considering the "yandere" tag I think a lot of people might have been expecting something more tragic/violent indeed (for like a day I considered an ending where Geist killed Kalei but it was SO out of left field?). I agree with you, it's not a positive ending, but the self-acceptance is comforting. I've definitely had similar mindsets whenever I need to get through "rough patches" - and you can always change at your own pace if you want to. And I'm glad that you liked the good ending  😭 I do think those feelings don't really go away, but it's nice to think that you can channel them into things that can help you (gosh the little voice in my head telling me to exercise more is definitely doing me a favor).

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and comment, Hiro, it's so sweet of you  😭 😭 😭 I'm glad you enjoyed!