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(1 edit) (-9)

Hey dev I know you won't spoil anything .There was a scene in OIALT in casino when you traded Lauren with something and the other dude clapped her cheeks . I found it very interesting (don't get me wrong it's just like idk can't explain but I liked it💀 ) so I want to know that can we see that kind of thing with Eturnum girls too ? (Like getting smashed by other guy by choosing wrong dicision)🙃🙃


I won't shame you for your preferences but I can tell you that the community would very much not enjoy that. I think at some point the dev even promised to not do something like that again. You'll have to find other games for this kind of flavor.

Deleted 116 days ago

so ur a cuck 


Cari has said on Discord that he won't do a scene like that again after the backlash he got from the Lauren scene, so consider that the first and last time he'll ever do something like that.


That's called NTR and the vast majority of human beings in existence (roughly 99.99%) (me included) DESPISE that type of shit with every fiber of our being.

So the chances of that happening is so miniscule that it literally cannot be seen even by the most powerful microscope to ever exist.

Go look for different games, if you like that type of stuff.