I second the comments about graphics. Your sense of style is well tuned. If you're this good in high school, I can't wait to see where you're at in ten years. Keep it up!
Great character designs, neat animations, way to use bounce to make everything feel alive. I would've liked some horizontal knockback (a la Hollow Knight) during combat to avoid accidental damage. The hit effects are pretty cool and I think you can still push it a bunch further to make everything feel crunchy and satisfying. The level metrics felt off; some areas were too tight and I kept hitting my head on the walls. For a game this complicated, I would've appreciated if you spread out the tutorial more. Introduce me to moving and jumping, then basic combat, then souls and cards rather than having me read everything up front; it's a lot for a new player to digest right out of the gate. Other people have already mentioned it, but the difficulty can be extremely punishing. That second area is BRUTAL if you don't have the nuke. That's one of the challenges of tuning for a randomized card draw system; you can't rely on the player having any particular card in a given situation. While I couldn't get past that second section, I'd love to see a version of this taken further.
I wish I'd practiced game dev this much at your age. Definitely keep pushing yourself, it's paying off.