I am going to try the resolution system from Cyberpunks for my solo Galactic Ops game. My character has missed completely except for 1 time out of 6 rolls. Luckily the system is setup for partial success upon failure. One time I tried rolling an extra die since two skills applied, but they both rolled low. I think adding will give more of a chance and represents the factors/experience involved better.
On a related note, the facilitator role has accumulated momentum and has karma. How is Karma used by the facilitator? Do you decide the challenge rating like normal, then use your karma to move it up one? Do you just reverse the player side to give strain or make the player reroll?
I also wanted to mention that the weapons and gear lists are only found in the quickstart characters file. I was confused trying to choose those until happening to open that file. I think a similar setup like in Cyberpunks would also work well for those. Or at least add a comment in the main file on where to find those lists.
Luckily due to the partial success aspect, I've been able to progress and it's been fun so far! Thanks for what you do, it's been fun to see the nuances