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I spent a lot of time on the menu just left clicking, and then learned I could right click :D Very cool to teach the mechanics to the player on the menu. I wasn't ready for it to scare me like it did after the pleasant main menu lol Fantastic sound design, graphics, visual effects, and UI. This game was full of surprise from the physics to the overwhelming anxiety of plunging further into the depths. Everything feels very professional and well thought out.

My only real complaint is that some of the screen shake and other moving camera effects felt a little abrasive. It did a great job of feeling like its underwater, but at the same time gave me little twinges of motion sickness. One other suggestion is maybe including the physics objects with the main enemy's collider. It'd be real scary if it just plowed through all the stuff you had to slowly nudge out of the way and wiggle through.

Overall, super impressive work for the beginner category and I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!

Thank you so much. I would take you advice seriously!!