Thank you! Cho is my favorite out of the girls to draw for several reasons and I'm glad you find her cute.
If you used easyrpg that might've done it... I set it to a really small font as a placeholder that was almost too tiny for me to read.
Right before "GO" you can cancel the command, I forgot to mention that anywhere as I often underexplain things. When I eventually update, I will mention that somewhere. I didn't put a cancel right after selection because I was already dealing with spaghetti and felt like it'd become a whole pasta buffet if I tried.
Grinding all your stats to 999 is insane man, I didn't expect anyone to do that so I didn't implement faster leveling. I'll try to add something where holding the button will start to increase stats by 10 instead of 1 at a time.
The story's all over the place, I don't blame others for not understanding what's going on. This game doesn't have much to do with the others besides the guys who show up at the ending being from previous ones, what a vitriol statue is, and the main girls being coworkers with the aliens that want to invade earth to beat up the giant man encased in earth's core.
Thanks again for playing!