downright AWESOME. just wow. i'm glad you're managing to pursue this passion of yours and aren't afraid to let us know how demanding this is of you.
to be honest i think your blandly handsome new portraits give the visual novel a more typical, basic look which might have put me off but i'm in AWE at the dedication and talent that must have gone into all those drawings and now even animations, not to mention the writing. in fact, it looks so highly produced that it doesn't look indie any more. it's hard to believe it's just one person behind it all.
i'm drawn to obscure games so i'm glad i found dark nights in its rawer state which gave off less of a commercial vibe, so i decided to check it out, however i'm a guy so probably not your target audience.
btw i can proofread for you for free. i'm noticing an occasional poor choice of words. for example i'm playing right now and kaichi tells miyoko that cursed people willingly give up their lives because "they can't stand demons bothering them". "bothering" implies mild annoyance. it would be more suited to say "they can't face being tormented by the demons", or "they can't tackle the haunting, dreadful ever-present awareness that a demon might assail them at any moment".
this is occasional and not a big deal but since you're proofreading anyway, if you think i can save you some time do let me know.
Thank you for leaving your thoughts in such detail. The community gave me the chance to work on the DLC, so I'm going all out on it. The redraws are based on the character's past designs and my envisions. I try to draw out their charms while sticking true to their character. I appreciate any critique because I want to keep improving my work.
I work with a few proofreaders, but we may have missed some word choices. I agree that "bothering" sounds too mild in that context. Right now, I've got plenty of help with proofreading, but if you're interested to help in other ways, feel free to join my discord server: