I enjoyed this one so so so so much. It has such a unique aesthetic. It's the only game I've played so far that went for a deep sea void, but it works so well to capture the theme. I really felt alone in an endless empty space.
There isn't much I would change about this game. Very subjective, but I think maybe that increasing oxygen reserves a bit and compensating by making the hull weaker could make the game feel higher stakes. After my first attempt when I ran out of oxygen, it felt like it was better to just try and speed through the game spamming the sonar than to be more slow and methodical (and going slow increases tension a bit, I think). ALSO: Would be nice to see how far I got on the loss screen.
The HUD was really cool and reminded me of classic late 90s games. The art style really fit the game. The sound was really terrifying. And you integrated the "void" theme into the game mechanics in a way that I really wish I had done.