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The Littlest WandererView game page

Board the Littlest Wanderer for a journey of a lifetime...
Submitted by GabooZ — 2 days, 3 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 44 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

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Give me a minute, Memory lane, What's this?

Game Description
The Littlest Wanderer is a game about exploring the void below in limited visibility. Your task is to get out alive, managing limited resources.

How does your game tie into the theme?
We chose the dark void of the deep sea. We were loosely inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft.


Discord Username(s)
Gaboo, princzep., TS

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
0. We are very new to programming, maybe 3 months of experience combined.

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all that beautiful art and it's covered in total blackness 90% of the time. I feel like it needs a little reworking so that the visual assets can be featured more prominently. maybe just dim the whole map and have the sonar just reveal enemies and pickups?

that being said, this was a very tense experience and I was super into it while playing. the screen cracks growing as you take damage was a nice touch. the whole atmosphere works very well. i felt like I was diving into the unterzee

congrats on your submission and the placement! this game was definitely worthy of it. great job!


this is a really tense challenge, thick with atmosphere. gorgeous art, fantastic audio, and a deliciously intense mood. I didn’t feel like replaying immediately after losing, so I decided to try this once per day — and after 4 attempts, I still haven’t beaten it, but I wanted to comment before the voting ends.

here are my notes:

  • there’s no sense of movement when it’s dark. depth meter can help, but it’s really far away from the focus. left/right camera movement helps sometimes, but it’s very situational. I found it really difficult to move blindly as I didn’t have any sense of momentum without light.
  • it would be nice if the alarm volume was dependent on distance.
  • opening the pause menu or picking up letters resets momentum for some reason.
  • picking up letters is annoying past the first attempt, breaks the flow of the game.
  • keyboard support is not ideal. can’t close letters without using the mouse. can’t pause without using the mouse.
  • the “running out of air” audio clip keeps playing and looping when the game is paused.
  • there’s no good way of quickly restarting outside of ALT+F4, but then there’s the unnecessarily unskippable intro stuff to wait through.
  • the UI is too bright, or game is too dark. it should be possible to brighten the game without affecting gameplay visibility.
  • irreparable hull is extremely punishing.

excuse the hastily-written feedback as I rush to post this. I really enjoyed this game, and I’ll keep trying to beat it!


Very cool game design and atmosphere! The metrics of hull damage, power -> light -> sonar, and oxygen worked well in tandem, and made the descent challenging. The story snippets along the way were a great addition to keep player motivation alive. Art was gorgeous and gave this world a lot of authenticity. 

Died early in my first run due to low oxygen as I didn't know there were collectibles along the way, but learned so by reading the comments below. Second run, made it to 268m, which given by the intensity of the story notes, seemed like it was close to the win condition.

There have been a lot of promising debuts this GWJ, but with only three months of collective experience, you cats did absolutely fantastic! Well done. :)


been going crazy trying to complete this XD. just when Im about to reach this mysterious end i crash and die T_T.
was fun to play although i have not yet completed the game.

graphics were awesome, it kinda gets a bit frustrating in moving the submarine when it picks up speed :P.


Great game, has an awesome overall vibe. Graphics and sound were both solid. I like that it has a little story element to it as well. I do wish there was some easier way to feel movement in the dark, especially since it was easier near the edges of the screen because I could see myself moving, unlike in the middle where I was just floating in the center of the screen all the time. But still, it was awesome!


Hey there!

Thanks a lot for playing! If you are having difficulties with the game, you can give the desktop version a try and increase brightness in the pause menu. This way you can see the end of the game more easily. :)

But overall darkness and limited information about your surroundings is part of the game.


Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great graphics, sound, and atmosphere, and interest take on the theme, sadly failed to complete after three attempts hopefully can came back to play again.

Overall excellent game:  especially for your first submission and never would have guessed you had limited programming experience, keep it up.

Edit: Couldn't find the easter egg :(


Hey there! Thanks a lot for playing!

If you struggle, consider downloading the desktop version and using the brightness slider in the pause menu. It helps.

The Easter egg: you need to reach a certain depth that is tied to a funny number, and listen 😅


Wow, very atmospheric and immersive (pun intended)

The graphics and SFX are top notch, amazing game!


Interesting concept! I wasn't really sure what were collectibles and what were obstacles so I ended up avoiding everything. I'm also not really sure why I got a game over because my hull wasn't at 0%. I couldn't really read the instruction manual because the text was too small. But the vibes were perfect, and it really fit the theme!


Thanks a lot for taking your time to try the game and provide feedback.

There are 2 ways you can die in the game. One is when hull integrity is 0 or when you run out of Oxygen.

If you haven't picked up O2 canisters, my guess is the latter. 

But point taken, probably we could do a better job in the future at explaining the mechanics.

Thanks again!


wow.....absolutely top class! Oo

the atmosphere is incredible! The damage effect blew me away!

Graphics, SFX, everything is just great!!!


Thank you so much for your kind words, we are very happy that you liked our entry!

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

I had to play with brightness to the max cuz I'm a sissy (ΘεΘ;). The wording of the instructions was pretty good! :) I liked the look and feel of the map. The mix of pixel art and hand drawn art on the UI looked a bit strange. Sometimes I wouldn't take damage from hits, but it didn't really feel bad. Health felt like the most important score. Checkpoints might help. The hurt box sizes felt just right. I wasn't really satisfied with how the story ended, but the ending choice of music was excellent!

EDIT: Just remembered: Occasionally it would crash at random points. I was using the Linux export.


Thank you for the detailed feedback.

The UI part is funny, because I totally agree with you. Basically I just put it together in the game's early stages and in the end haven't changed it. The funny part, that so far everyone loved it, many specifically mentioned the UI. But I hate it :D I should have changed its style mid-way.

The random hits thing is concerning, because I never saw this happen. I don't know if it is a Linux specific thing, sadly I cannot test it. On Windows, Mac, Web it is not a known issue. As for NOT taking damage, there is a timer in the game that doesn't let the player take damage from multiple sources in a quick succession. This is by choice, because the geometry of the map is quite "detailed". So there were cases, where you got slammed into a wall, and took damage from multiple protruding edges.

All in all thanks for the feedback and for playing the game. Cheers!


This entry is awesome! The resource drain feels perfect and the length of time the sonar is active adds a nice level of difficulty. The art is really well done and the UI is nicely organized. I've died a couple times and haven't made it to the end, but I love the story element so far as well.

Great job!


Thank you so much for the kind words! We hope to build on the project in the future because of these feedbacks. Really appreciated.


It's like Echo the Dolphin but if Echo had to move very slowly, was in the darkest depths, and had nightmarish sounds all around. I have made two attempts at it so far, died the first time from lack of air and the second time the browser crashed on me (stoopid Safari memory leak). I will try again as this is a really solid entry all round, but I'll download the Mac version so I don't run into crashes.


Please let me know if the mac version runs well, I couldnt test it as I own a PC. (so far no one complained, but I have no idea.)

IN CASE the game gets too frustrating, there is a brighness slider in the pasue menu.

Good luck Echo!


Mac version works fine, I got further but died again, I think attempting a speed run is not compatible with the game controls!


Awesome entry!! The atmosphere-building is amazing! The UI theme and art style is very cohesive! Nice touch on the glass cracks as visual cues for damage, and the auditory alarm for proximity sensor!

I did face some problems with buttons not registering before and at the end of the game, but its not a big deal!

All around solid entry!


I enjoyed this one so so so so much. It has such a unique aesthetic. It's the only game I've played so far that went for a deep sea void, but it works so well to capture the theme. I really felt alone in an endless empty space.

There isn't much I would change about this game. Very subjective, but I think maybe that increasing oxygen reserves a bit and compensating by making the hull weaker could make the game feel higher stakes. After my first attempt when I ran out of oxygen, it felt like it was better to just try and speed through the game spamming the sonar than to be more slow and methodical (and going slow increases tension a bit, I think). ALSO: Would be nice to see how far I got on the loss screen.

The HUD was really cool and reminded me of classic late 90s games. The art style really fit the game. The sound was really terrifying. And you integrated the "void" theme into the game mechanics in a way that I really wish I had done.


Thank you so so so so much for your kind feedback.

The overall depth of the map is 418 metres. In a way it would make sense to display it, but at the same time it would maybe take away from the experience, I don't know. It is something to consider for sure.

The O2... don't even get me started. :D it was a balancing act to figure out what amount is enough but not too much. Because we really wanted the player to feel what you felt. "being alone in an endless empty space". Putting too many powerups would trivialize danger. BUT if we don't put more, the tradeoff is that people get drustrated with the game and might never finish it. So again, your feedback is something to consider.

We plan to build this game further because we really enjoy it. So a lot of things might change in the future.

For now, I will tell you what I tell others as well. if you want to see the ending of the game, you can try turning the brigthness higher in the desktop version's pause menu. It helps with visibility.

I guess this is a lesson to learn. We never joined a jam before. making the game a bit more difficult by choice for sure, but it might be something to balance further.

Thanks again, we really appreciate it.


I think I miscommunicated a little--I really like the difficulty level actually! Beating it the first try would be boring. I was just saying:
1. I wish there was a way to see how far I got after I lose (I wasn't paying attention during gameplay).
2. It would be interesting to see how the game felt with more oxygen, but with a more fragile hull. I would expect it to make the pace slower but with a similar difficulty level, which might make tension higher (but I don't know that for sure, it might be less fun). Moving slower could also force you to ration your sonar more.

Thanks for listening and thanks for making a super cool game!


Same thoughts here, I wasn't looking at the depth gauge when I died each time and then it's hidden from you


Thankyou soooo much for making such a masterpiece! i got it in my 3rd try which i hope thats not bad haha xD, the lore there and the atmosphere were my FAVORITE, they were amazing and just fitting the environment around, and the fact that the game has a proper ending which a  fabulous way of showing credits shows how much the devs putted into this jam game! all love for yall, keep going and never stop!


Seeing you playing and enjoying the game was one of the best things in my life. Like I said, this is our first game ever. We are not coming from creative backgrounds. So seeing that someone actually enjoys something that we've created means so much to us.

Thank you again.


Incredible work! I felt every slight bump as a severe threat to my life!

The found letters were like peering out of the porthole to watch my descent into madness, as I descended into the void; I only got to 300 and something (It didn't show me the depth after experiencing some  catastrophic barotrauma from hull integrity failure)

I want to get to the end, I'll have to try again after work =)


Hello there comrade! I hope the production is going well.

Just a hint, if you are stuck with the game, you can increase brightness in the desktop version's pause menu.


Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really nicely polished, nice one. An intriguing narrative kept me going but a slip up at 380m killed me :(.

Decided to switch to headphones with the light off, I was sweating a little. Great atmosphere.

Actually I remember seeing this one early on in the discord and thinking it definitely had the "Void" factor!


You were SO CLOSE. Game ends at 418.

I saw someone playing it on stream today and my heart sank every time he died. I'm sorry for you too.

One thing, if you wish to do another try, you can adjust the brightness in the desktop version's pause menu. It could help.

That being said, I really appreciate for playing.


Well since I was so close... Went back and did a bit of a speed run then ended up almost dying right at the end again but I did it!


Congratulations! Hope it was worth the torment.

I also did a test run yestrday and finished with 5% hull. We plan to build on this game, but with random maps. But of course also repair possibility.

Thanks a lot for playing, I really appreciate the effort.


Loved it ! The electricity, heartbeats, cracks, it would be great that cracks comes bit by bit, but its too greate like that, also the ui you have is very cool, super art style here !


Very atmospheric! The sound design here is excellent, the art looks fantastic, and the notes you find as you descend do a good job of hinting at a larger story. Sadly, I didn't get to the end, as I crashed at about 330m, and didn't fancy doing it all over. Still, this is a very impressive entry!


Thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback.

Yes, difficulty was a big topic when making the game but we decided that this is somewhat fair. But I agree, it is a game that takes multiple tries and a certain kind of person who hates themselves enough to suffer 3 rounds. 😅

That being said, in case one day you'll get the craving, you can download the .exe and adjust the brightness in the pause menu for a more "fair" chance.

Thanks again, we really appreciate the feedback.


Very nice entry, very nice atmosphere!

Got down to 300 then, unfortunately, crashed - as in me, not the game.

It's kind of harsh to take 10% hull for even the slightest collision, I would have preferred both damage and alarms going off if your velocity is over some limit, or if you definitely want contact damage, chip 1% off for every time a new contact is made with the wall.

You already have the lights and oxygen as a heavy incentive to not idle at one place for to long, so a not as harsh punishment wouldn't be too bad.

My two cents.

Other than that, great atmospheric entry!


Thank you so much for the feedback.

For sure, a lot of improvements could be made. Some if them were not thought of and a lot are a question of skill. We are very new to programming, so there was also a cap to our capabilities.

However because us and so far players as well love the game (more or less) we plan on expanding it with more features. You can consider this as a demo.

Thanks again!


Great to hear!

Thanks for taking feedback gracefully, and looking forward to how you expand in the future!

Extra props for being fairly new to game dev! Keep at it!

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