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Pete Thorne

A member registered Sep 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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You have to click both mouse buttons at the same time? That is where I'm having issues, I'm on a Mac and it's not possible with trackpad or Magic Mouse

Ooh thanks! That's a good suggestion! Thanks for playing and reviewing

Really inventive platformer, loved everything about this game. Minor gripe got stuck on one of the tutorial level sections like the commenter below, and wouldn't have been able to work it out without the video play through.

The dash is so cute. My wife was watching me play and enjoyed it too!

I got stuck at the same location, otherwise the tutorial levels were flawless

Really struggling with the controls on this one. I just about managed to fly up and down and get near characters, but then what? How can I talk to them?

Really lovely game with a nice nod to Papers Please. I loved most things about it. It's chill relaxed gameplay, the main story arch and subplots. The graphics and light background music mixed with unobtrusive sound effects. Very nice balance

There were some bugs with the inspection area and books that took a bit of the shine off the rest of the game. Also I wasn't really that aware of how good my decisions were despite the brief report at the end. Still, really enjoyed playing this game and would say you've aced it.

Loved this game! A fun concept, cute graphics, easy to grasp and quite rewarding to play.

I played with my 6yo son. Will likely come back and play more tomorrow!

Lots to love and plenty to improve here.

Nice graphics, concept and general game mechanics.

Controls were overly complicated, no idea why right mouse button needed here, left mouse could have worked just fine throughout I feel.

Music was a bit repetitive and incessant - maybe changing to reflect the current state of the game - battles could be intense but less intense when you are just moving about. 

I think I agree with the majority of comments here. The controls need polish, the game graphics are cute. A little bit more needed to make combat more fun - things like particle effects, sound effects, maybe changes in music. But a nice little foundation to a game overall 

Do try to finish this!

It's so sad you didn't finish, but I can see why - this is an incredible attempt for a game jam. Love the graphics and the cute animations, are these are created for the jam?

Incredible effort and I hope you finish this!

A nicely done first person with some fun surprises, like being mocked after death - that made me smile. I died three times and didn't find any wildlife to observe yet, and only one jumpscare - thanks! lol!

As other people mention, intro was class! 

Thanks! You are right, it's just the bare bones of a game right now but I appreciate your encouragement!

Thanks, I tried again, but the black of clear feedback when you type things in makes it hard to keep going. When I lost I didn't really understand why I lost. 

Anyway, I think a couple of tweaks would fix this:
(1) a clearer font for the text instructions on the left
(2) A clear message to show Success or Failure on input
(3) A clearer UI that shows clearly which health is the player vs the demon

What's great about this game: the graphics, concept and audio

Thanks, I'll see if I can get the Mac exe uploaded

I'm not sure what to do? I play a card on the ritual and then press the matching keys, but how do I select the right card? How do I know if I've done a spell right?

Like a cool idea but it's tricky to place walls and I never managed to get a safe enclosure to survive the first night

This ia a really nice platformer in many ways - the graphics, audio and animation all tie in well. The tutorial is well designed to teach the basics as the player progresses. Alas the controls especially dash over spikes etc were too tricky to master and I couldn't progress very far

Thanks! Yep you are quite right that this game is very unfinished and you've been very fair in your review!

I had very little time this jam and threw this together as a solo effort with a bunch of resource packs for 3D assets etc.

thanks for playing and rating!

Nice fun aesthetic and music and graphics tie in well. The controls were a bit fiddly and the gameplay is not massively intuitive. But I think you've nailed the production quality for a lil game jam. Nice

Fun game! I lasted 8 generations without even realising I could press shift to lunge. Happy days!

So much fun, reminds me of the good old days of web flash games

Possibly needs a little more variety in the later stages. But much fun here, enjoyed it!

Very tricky! I can't believe this is your first game jam ever! Very nice entry! 

and that makes sense. Not easy to make working controls for mobile and desktop 

I love that you use the jam to build on some area of your skillset, I'm very much the same. This time I was focussing on components and composition for behaviours. You've tackled shaders and made great use of them for this entry. The game itself is missing very little, the enemies move in nice motions and the overwhelming hail of bullets keeps you focused and engaged. The sprites are nicely drawn and fit well with the general aesthetic, although varying the bullets colours could have added more visual interest. Particle effects on explosions are nice, but I think enemies need a sound effect on death to help reward the player. The music is a good tempo and helps the game along.

The only real complaint I had was having to hold down the mouse button continuously, that got tiring after a while I would have like the ship to move with the mouse all the time.

Thanks for the review! Yes we fully own up to the rough edges around the places. We couldn't deliver fully on the vision for the game as the chosen mechanic required far more assets than we could produce in time. Did we set an ambitious goal? Yes. Was it too high? Yes, but I'm happy that we stretched ourselves on this one. My experience of my team-mates is that they never seem to go for the easy option - instead of taking shortcuts everyone wants to push for something higher. Take the music for example, there are actually six layered tracks that are faded in and out to respond to the player's level of joy. The narrative audio was a late addition and we had to invent a way of triggering the story at intervals and I resorted to hacking the item code to play the sound, this wasn't ideal as the items played audio through the SFX rather than the Dialog  bus and also via a 3D audio stream. So you are quite right to identify the shortcomings in that system!

Appreciate the comments, when you take the time to give comprehensive feedback like this it really helps

No. think I glitched the game somehow. I’ll try again as I’d like to see the mad ending that I’m sure is coming!

Thank you. This is all valid feedback. Appreciate you playing and taking time to make a proper review. 

I want to give this a full five stars but I'm stuck in a lift that never arrives?

(1 edit)

Really lovely art style and an interesting approach to the mechanic. Controls were a nightmare for me personally and I rage quit in the end. 

For those who persevere does the rabbit character get a motivation for hopping around?

This is a very strong story-driven game and it's very interesting to see it as my team had a very similar concept - but very different execution. Let me talk of the strengths here: the best parts of the game for me are those that show, rather than tell - two highlights are the glimpse of Gabriel who appears right at the end and then fades away, and then the final lifting of the umbrella to release to the winds. I think you could have done more of that subtle story-telling, like when the flower emerges in winter, just show it and then show the character stooping to view it, maybe holding the umbrella over it protectively. Telling the story visually and reducing the text the player is required to read is my suggestion.

Art is strong, audio is there but room for improvement in perhaps unlocking more emotion in the music. Controls are very simple and game is very straightforward to play. Could have allowed for skipping animation on dialogue to help fast readers progress quicker. Great interpretation of the theme (though I would say that!)

Same thoughts here, I wasn't looking at the depth gauge when I died each time and then it's hidden from you

Mac version works fine, I got further but died again, I think attempting a speed run is not compatible with the game controls!

Wildly original - at least I don't think I've ever played a platformer that required a sense of rhythm to this extent. Also wildly annoying, I'm a drummer and I sucked at timing the jumps right! VFX really worked nicely here. Minor gripe: you had to press X to start and I only managed that but mashing all the keys on the keyboard randomly! Press stick to regular approved keys like Enter, Space, etc.!

It's like Echo the Dolphin but if Echo had to move very slowly, was in the darkest depths, and had nightmarish sounds all around. I have made two attempts at it so far, died the first time from lack of air and the second time the browser crashed on me (stoopid Safari memory leak). I will try again as this is a really solid entry all round, but I'll download the Mac version so I don't run into crashes.

Hello, so I liked the concept here but I could not manage to adapt to the controls with enough skill to win any battles. I an intrigued to see you support touch screens and my thought here is that touch might be better suited than mouse control. I just cannot get mouse cursor over the enemies in time before they fade away. I know part of that is my general crap reaction time, but I wonder if I'd manage tapping away on an iPad so I might try that later to see.

But, the audio was great, the concept great, the tutorial was comprehensive (and each box was skippable - massive win!) and so a great entry overall.

thank you for those thoughtful comments. The initial story was terribly depressing but my wife called me out on it and gave me a framework to work from (she's a trained counsellor and works with a bereavement charity). Luckily we listened to her and adopted a more hopeful approach where the void never goes away but it can be managed and overcome by personal growth.

I think the 3D performance is much better in 4.3 - we are using the dev preview and the web builds are certainly much better than older versions. 

Your request about subtitles is 100% correct. I have a subtitle system I built that works for short sentences but nothing that can handle long monologues of the kind we used this jam. Something for me to sort for next time. Thanks again.

Ha, good catch! There is a delay in closing that window and that was something I never got around to checking. 

Thank you! Glad the story resonated -  and you got the pun! We have an extremely talented UI creator on team and his menus and titles are always fantastic. I do wish I’d managed to incorporate subtitles for the narration. As you say, that would have helped the accessibility. Thanks for playing and taking time to leave a thoughtful review

Oh, sorry about bugs, what did you find? We were not aware of anything except issues picking up items if player is not fully aligned?

Played this with my 6yo son, he says "Can you tell us how to get past level 3 because we don't know what to do, I think we need to go underneath but it's really hard!"

Excellent puzzle/deck builder combo. Took me a while to realise where to click to pull from the deck, but then we just got on with it. Very nice graphics - especially on the card design. Really nice!