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(1 edit)

Hello hello!

Glad you enjoyed our lil' game. In reference to that end-game moment, you are referring to, we will definitely get our content warnings updated. I think I literally just forgot >.< (you know how jams are). We will get that added and properly updated after the jam submission page unlocks. Thank you for the feedback and for that callout!

- S. "Essay"


Totally get it! I thought it might have been something like that, the rest of the game was extremely thoughtful when it comes to accessibility. All in all still a fantastic submission and easily a top contender for me! I’m thinking I’ll have to check out some of your past games soon, if they’re all as weird and wonderful as this was… Head Honcho looks very interesting :)). Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing what else you make in future jams!!

Heard and thank you so much for the kind words and the hype! We def enjoy making weird games like this one. Can say that this project is more serious than the others. Think they come off as more silly IMO :) Did most of the visuals and writing for this guy, so hearing that you and others enjoyed it is super motivating for myself to get back and polish this project more and to start creating more!

- S. "Essay"