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Feel like your life just isn't sliding into place? Experience catharsis with

ThatPuzzle Contraption

The ThatPuzzle contraption is a classic sliding tile puzzle often called a "15-puzzle", in contraption form. Configure its dimensions from 2x2 to 10x10 tiles, and it will automatically display an image sliced up from the card background it's placed over. There are even event hooks and attributes for recognizing a successful solution!

  • thatpuzzle.dim : r/w integer from 2 to 10; the number of tiles per axis.
  • thatpuzzle.solved: read-only bool; is the puzzle currently solved?
  • thatpuzzle.reset[] : reset the tiles to a solved configuration.
  • thatpuzzle.scramble[] : randomize the tiles. for large puzzles you may need to repeat this a few times for a thorough mixing.
  • on change do .. end : fired whenever a user moves a tile.
%%WGT0{"w":[{"name":"thatpuzzle1","type":"contraption","size":[100,100],"pos":[199,126],"script":"on change do\n won.value:me.solved\nend","def":"thatpuzzle","widgets":{"c":{},"s":{"value":"[]"},"dim":{"value":"3"}}}],"d":{"thatpuzzle":{"name":"thatpuzzle","size":[100,100],"resizable":1,"margin":[5,5,5,5],"description":"the classic sliding-tile puzzle. you know, that one.","script":"BG:image[\"%%IMG2AAYABgEIDQMBAiABAQENAgECIAIBBCACAQEMAQEH\"]\nFG:image[\"%%IMG2AAkACQEGAAMBASAEAQIAAgEBIAQBASABAQEAAQEBIAQBASACAQIgBAEBIAIBByACAQEAAQEBDQQBASABAQEAAgEBDQQBAgADAQY=\"]\nBG_M:4,4,1,1\nFG_M:4,4,4,4\nDELTAS:\"%j\" parse \"[[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1]]\"\nSTEPS:30\n\non get_dim do 0+dim.text end\non set_dim x do dim.text:10&2|x end\n\non swap a x y do t:a[x] a[x]:a[y] a[y]:t a end\non initstate do d:get_dim[] (d^2)%1+range d^2 end\non setstate x do s.text:\"%j\" format list x end\non getstate do\n d:get_dim[]\n r:\"%j\" parse s.text\n if (d^2)~count r r else initstate[] end\nend\n\non view do\n d:get_dim[]\n b:getstate[]\n cell:c.size/d\n c.segment[BG 0,0,c.size BG_M]\n o:d cross d\n tiles:select orderby p asc where v from select v:b p:o from ()\n each row in rows tiles\n  c.segment[FG (row.p*cell),(cell+2 drop FG_M) FG_M]\n  bg:deck.card.image.copy[card.pos+o[row.v-1]*cell (cell,cell)-1]\n  c.paste[bg (1+row.p*cell)]\n end\nend\n\non click pos do\n d:get_dim[]\n b:nb:getstate[]\n o:(d cross d) dict range d^2\n p:floor pos/c.size/d\n each delta in DELTAS\n  t:p+delta\n  if (0~b[o[t]])&(!max(t<0)|(t>d-1)) nb:swap[b o[t] o[p]] end\n end\n setstate[nb]\n view[]\n if !nb~b card.event[\"change\"] end\nend\n\non get_reset do\n on reset do\n  setstate[()]\n  view[]\n end\nend\n\non get_scramble do\n on scramble do\n  d:get_dim[]\n  b:getstate[]\n  o:(d cross d) dict range d^2\n  p:first extract key where 0=b from o\n  each in range 100\n   t:p+random[DELTAS]\n   if !max(t<0)|(t>d-1) b:swap[b o[t] o[p]] p:t end\n  end\n  setstate[b]\n  view[]\n end\nend\n\non get_solved do\n getstate[]~initstate[]\nend","template":"on change do\n \nend","attributes":{"name":["dim"],"label":["Dim"],"type":["number"]},"widgets":{"c":{"type":"canvas","size":[100,100],"pos":[0,0],"locked":1,"volatile":1,"scale":1},"s":{"type":"field","size":[100,20],"pos":[117,13],"show":"none"},"dim":{"type":"field","size":[100,20],"pos":[117,47],"show":"none","value":"4"}}}}}