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(1 edit)

Hello, sorry, I have some questions for you. The first is if I buy your plugins, can they be used for commercial use? I tell you, I want to create a game that is a fusion between visual novel and RPJ game. Also can this plugin be used for MV?

I'm wondering if it's better to use RPJ MZ or RPJ MV because of the Gene tool. I would love your advice on which one to choose, thank you. It's a mess.


All of my plugins have their terms listed on the store page, all of them grant you rights to use commercially with purchase in as many projects as you'd like.

There is an MV version of this plugin but it doesn't have all of the features this mz version offers. 

As far as which version of RPG maker to use I'd say you should use whichever version offers you the best tools to help you complete your project.

Thank you very much for answering! If I buy I will put you in the credits too :) The only thing I would like is to be able to put a video in the start menu. I think I'll buy the RPJ MV