Thank you for playing! I will be updating this post-jam (not an insane amount I think, but definitely with QoL improvements).
- Definitely, I ran out of time and left it as is on that one! Unfortunately, there was a controls page on the pause screen, but it seems people didn't really notice it :( I probably should have put UI in the main game to remind players that pausing was an option.
- That might be a consequence of my preferences. I really like and am used to one-handed control schemes; introducing custom keybinds would probably be the best solution at the end of the day.
- That makes sense on the lighting front. It needed a little more polish on those areas; although I am overall happy with them.
- Yeah, another area where it was "good enough" and I had to move on. I have some ideas on how to make them smoother and will try them out.
- Totally makes sense; I felt like dying also deserved a sound effect too, but didn't have quite enough time to do it justice. Would make it feel a little more full.
- I debated on this one and personally felt satisfied with not having buffering/early-jumping (turning jump on just above the ground); I have coyote time, it's just pretty subtle coyote time. Post-jam I will play around with it and see what feels good.