Game was pretty fun to go through. The powerups were both movement based but felt unique enough from each other and the graphics were nice
If you continue this more post jam heres some ideas on ways you could improve the game:
- When giving people to option to consume (or when they get a new powerup) show the button that will activate that on screen. Ended up forgetting which button I had to click which then required referencing the game page again or button mashing to find the key that worked
- With keyboard controls it was a bit awkward to press q when the hand was already focused on movement. This is compounded with needing to then use the movement to fully utilize the q ability. The right hand wasnt doing anything so some controls could be moved over to there with a wasd jkl control scheme or something else
- In the dark areas of the game it can get hard to see things at points especially on less bright screens since most objects become shades of purple or black. Having some way to add more contrast there would go a long way for readability
- Having smoother room transitions (felt a bit awkward to suddenly be teleported into light or dark)
- Adding some more weight to actions (such as jumping, dying, etc.). A bit of tweens doing some squash and stretch goes a really long way into making things feel polished and theyre pretty easy to do in godot
- Adding in input buffering for the jumps. This goes along with coyote time in helping people feel like their inputs are being read by the game. Its essentially letting people hit the jump button a bit before they touch the ground and still counting that as a jump when they hit the ground (to jump instantly upon landing)