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I made a game where you have to catch kitties that fall from windows during earthquake (hope it goes by unstable theme)

First struggle to make them spawn exactly from the windows but it didnt work out so they spawn like everywhere. 

Second the spawning duration/frequency was a bit hard but manageable. 

Third, the physics of falling and landing on the street was a nightmare, didnt work at all, used even the turret extension yo make them rotate but couldnt stop the rotation once they land, spend a lot of time to figure it out. 

Fourth, clicking/touching the kitties to “save”, only by miracle I realised to use multitouch button behavior for kitties. 

But the worst part was the leaderboard/score, as I was in the last 2 hours of submitting and never did the leaderboard or score or timer before and rushing made me do some mistakes so I had to finally let the players with a random name leaderboard that works only on gdgames leaderboard under the game.

Sorry the worst part was actually uploading the game to gdgames as my internet get frustrated by the weather and economic crisis on Dathomir I suppose as i tried to upload the game for one hour and when I was finally was able to do it, gdevelop wouldnt generate the link, giving me some javascript error and after more trying I kinda give up but then I remembered that restarting the laptop solves all problems and it actually solved the problem so I uploaded the game in like last minutes.

Overall the game is more of a prototype for a full game I plan to publish on AppStore and Google Play but I have to change the mechanics of saving the kitties cause it’s frustrating when you click but missed the cat.