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Hey nice review, thank you very much! Here you can see the leaderboard of other people on gdgames. I will adjust the sounds completely and also the gameplay, thank you for playing my game! Hope you enjoyed it☺️Keep in touch for when I will make a ultra HD remaster🤣

maybe I should add a mode to transform the game in aim trainer😑

wow these are actually good ideas, thank you! I’ll probably try them once the jam is done. Thank you for playing my game and for this deep feedback, appreciate it ☺️☺️

Thats some good ideas! The game was developed on PC but aimed for mobile more, although I get 80 score on pc. I dont really know what’s an aim trainer, could you maybe elaborate it please? Anyway thats some good ideas, thank you for playing my game!

Thank you☺️

Thanks for noticing the menu tricks, I was thinking nobody will notice.. I’m happy you enjoyed!

Glad you’ve enjoyed it! No need to feel, they are cats and just land on their foot and walk away☺️☺️

Thank you for playing my game☺️☺️

its designed for mobile but anyway it desires a different catching system like a net, not clicking on each cat individually, after jam I can work on it.. thank you for making time to play my game, appreciate it!

Thank you! I think 30 seconds would be enough, 2 minutes was way too  long.. Hope you enjoyed playing my game, have a good day!

Dont worry they land on their foot, by the game lore they cannot be hurt🤣well at one point in life I had 5 cats at my home so if every neighbour have 5, that’s a lot of cats🤣thank you for playing the game, hope you enjoyed the idea! have a nice day

(1 edit)

 Thank you!

Hey! Thanks for playing my game and for the feedback! Indeed a different catching mechanic like a net would be better than clicking, Im happy people play my game and tell me what’s bad so I can work on it, after the jam is over. Thank you and I’ll check your game as well!

Thank you☺️

no, you cannot

Not asking for rate, just an opinion, is my idea worth of making a graphic/audio/mechanics remaster (cause obviously a jam game is made in rush so it lacks some aspects of a full time developed game) and publish it on appstore and google play with rewarded ads for profit or it’s not a funny/interesting game? Kitty Falls

yeah sorry for that, the leaderboard works only on gdgames for some reason((( thank you for the feedback☺️

appreciate your feedback, the meowing annoys me too🤣🤣

lol ALL of them🤣thank you, its true its too long and the meowing is kinda annoying, i want to change but i think its not allowed to update anything after submitting. Thanks for the review!!

thanks for the feedback! Indeed the timer is too long and another mechanic other than click would fit better, appreciate it!

Kitty Falls

If you are on PC, test if the clicking is working for touching the cats, I didnt propelry test from the PC, although on phone the sensor is also not that great.

Send the link to your game, I’ll test it on my lunch break.

its 3D, smooth controls, have a timer, interactive objects, not bad textures, interesting idea

Should I publish on appstore and google play, and if yes, what to change? Cause this game is for jam and at best a prototype for a game I plan to publish for commercial scope. Kitty Falls

Its my first ever game created so I need people with more experience to tell me where is good and where is bad and what to do better (and how, if it’s possible). Can provide source code if someone finds my idea interesting. Or give me ideas of mechanics that could improve the game (I know the catching system where you click on the cat is not so good and a catching “platform” on the bottom that you move by swiping would be better). Honest harsh criticism please, I don’t have feelings to be offended. For the jam itself you can rate or not, decide yourself, just test and give feedback. Controls for PC and Mobile. Thank you.

rate for rate might mean for someone “play my game and give honest rating and ill do the same“, its not necessarily rate spamming but yeah this type of posts should be formulated differently and specify what kind of rating is expecting so not all rate for rate posts to be deleted

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If you want to be a hero and save some kitties during an earthquake (against a countdown), Kitty Falls let you do it (and you can check how well you did in the leaderboard). How many kitties you can save in a few minutes? My maximum score is 80, but dont think someone can beat it.

There is a secret animation of the cat in main menu and end menu.

Controls for PC and Mobile.

same story here - first ever game created and published and first jam and new to gdevelop for around 2 weeks. The fact that we were able to participate in a game jam submitting a full working game from A to Z while learning the engine in less than few weeks is something beyond unity’s or unreal’s and even godot’s comprehension, gdevelop is really great. I’ll check your game. You can take a look at my game as well kitty falls

I made a game where you have to catch kitties that fall from windows during earthquake (hope it goes by unstable theme)

First struggle to make them spawn exactly from the windows but it didnt work out so they spawn like everywhere. 

Second the spawning duration/frequency was a bit hard but manageable. 

Third, the physics of falling and landing on the street was a nightmare, didnt work at all, used even the turret extension yo make them rotate but couldnt stop the rotation once they land, spend a lot of time to figure it out. 

Fourth, clicking/touching the kitties to “save”, only by miracle I realised to use multitouch button behavior for kitties. 

But the worst part was the leaderboard/score, as I was in the last 2 hours of submitting and never did the leaderboard or score or timer before and rushing made me do some mistakes so I had to finally let the players with a random name leaderboard that works only on gdgames leaderboard under the game.

Sorry the worst part was actually uploading the game to gdgames as my internet get frustrated by the weather and economic crisis on Dathomir I suppose as i tried to upload the game for one hour and when I was finally was able to do it, gdevelop wouldnt generate the link, giving me some javascript error and after more trying I kinda give up but then I remembered that restarting the laptop solves all problems and it actually solved the problem so I uploaded the game in like last minutes.

Overall the game is more of a prototype for a full game I plan to publish on AppStore and Google Play but I have to change the mechanics of saving the kitties cause it’s frustrating when you click but missed the cat.

yeah but even if you put 1000 hours into a game doesnt mean its good or fun, i made my game for this jam (Kitty Falls) in like 3 days when I had off of work and if I would put more or less hours it wouldnt be different aside of animations and graphics and maybe some better physics, what matters if the idea was initially good or bad. If a game is lets say hyper-realistic but not fun at all or even interesting, doesn’t matter that the artist spent 50 hours to draw one tree.  Although I agree getting ZERO recognition for a game you created, small or big, its soul crushing as I actually have zero ratings and nobody will find the small secret animation on the main menu and end menu in my game🥺

whats the title