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same story here - first ever game created and published and first jam and new to gdevelop for around 2 weeks. The fact that we were able to participate in a game jam submitting a full working game from A to Z while learning the engine in less than few weeks is something beyond unity’s or unreal’s and even godot’s comprehension, gdevelop is really great. I’ll check your game. You can take a look at my game as well kitty falls

I dit a bit of Unreal and Unity too, but it’s not comparable. GDevelop doesn’t aim to be like those - they are far more complex. I’m not a game dev, but I am already a dev, mainly Java/Android and PHP/JS, so I have the “dev-way” of thinking things - I assume it helps a lot.

I think GDevelop is a good option to start game development, as a starter engine to get acquainted with game design, concepts, etc in a simpler manner, to be then able to move to a more powerful engine.

I checked your game, it is a bit disturbing XD