Hey SoulSpiller! Thank you again for trying our game multiple time and helping us discover that the .exe version was broken haha
I just gave someone else a tip to an alternate ending that people seem to be missing, so I thought I would give it to you too even if you must be annoyed with the game already :P just in case!
Try going back to an island where you've already set a data collector in a previous run (the dots are purple) and talk back to the NPC there. It's more interesting if you had talked to the NPC the first time you met him, but it's not mandatory. You can do that anytime /any run before you set the last data collector.
The discovery of what is happening to the islets and their people after you've set a data collector will trigger an event during your way back to the hub after you've set the final data collector ;)
(additionally it should unlock slightly different dialogues in the hub inbetween your runs everytime you visit a purple-dot island and talk to an NPC there)
Tip: Remember to use the save function with Tab to be able to load your game at a certain point, if you're not sure what to do