YT tutorials are cool and all, but what I meant is the official tutorials which they walked you through basic stuffs. For example in Game designer tutorial course, they taught me how to open doors in various ways. It's not much but you'd get a good idea on how the overall pipeline. Then you could start working on your dream game by breaking them down into several systems and you could start by finding a way to develop those systems one by one until you're ready to make a tiny game out of all the systems you made so far. This way you won't stuck in tutorials hell like I used to while also working toward your dream game.
As for how I utilize the YT tutorials, it'd be during the time I'm developing new systems which I don't know how to develop. So I just breakdown the potential approaches and search for them specifically.
I recommend you trying to use Microsoft Copilot to help you breakdown your dream game into smaller games and finally find common systems which could be use on those games and start working on that one first. Taking note on your goals, the breakdown versions, and your own conclusion. This way I'm sure you'll be able to publish a commercial game sooner.