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A member registered Oct 24, 2018

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(1 edit)

The intro is hilarious, and the voice acting is excellent. I love how you let players train on an idle enemy, and when you hit it, the game finally starts; it's brilliant. The throwing mechanic is a bit hard to grasp. The airplane killed me! (I chuckled when I heard "here comes the airplane", and then yeah, there was an airplane coming at me :D)

Great work!

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans 馃懡

(1 edit)

I liked it a lot. The art is beautiful, and the idea of constructing the different layers of the planet as you progress is excellent. What I liked the most was probably just a detail for others, but adding a new layer of music every time the planet progresses hit a spot for me.

I can see a rhythm-based game here; this way, you could mix that arrow component in rythm and keep the player focused on the evolving soundtrack.

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans 馃懡

Thanks! To be honest, I can't stand the music I've done anymore given all the debugging and iterations we've done during the weekend. I guess this is the price to pay!  We've also written a lore description for all cards you can pick up in the game. Sadly it didn't make it through because of time :') there was some (I hope) cool puns in it.

Thanks for playing our game. 馃懡鉂わ笍

It took me a while to figure out how to use the items I found, but I like the concept of discovering the trade-offs of each one by trying them out. However, I couldn't figure out what to do with the trees. Am I missing something? I think a clearer explanation in the game description would help!

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans 馃懡

The game runs well on my browser (Arc-chromium-based). The concept is very original and perfectly matches the minijam limitation to me. The urge to gain some speeeeeeed momentum! Great work :)

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans 馃懡

I love the idea of the dagger being used to move around. Very cleanly done. The dagger can behave strangely at times, but after a few minutes, you get the hang of it. Well done. I think there is a lot to extract from that dagger idea!

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans

The concept is interesting, but it's hard to keep up with the order speed. I can definitely see a full-fledged game with a step-by-step tutorial; I was a bit confused at first when I saw all the options. The art is good, and the music fits it well. I loved the "don't need" about the chimney in the instructions :)

Great work, especially alone!  

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans

I love seeing games where devs craft an intro scene. 

I feel like I didn't get the most out of the game simply because I didn't understand everything. A tutorial in a few steps would be welcome; there's a lot to dig into, and I'd like to be helped a bit at first. The game seems to have potential; I find it very original.

Small bug report: when you zoom out and move the map, the music lags.

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans, we also made the choice of strategy in some way

(1 edit)

The feeling is compelling, the music works well, and I tried multiple times to beat my score. I'd like to have multiple weapons; I've only had the laser so far; maybe I didn't go far enough in the game or i'm just bad... :D Great work!

Please come rate our game My Dear Humans

Merci pour le feedback! Effectivement c'est pas la premi猫re fois qu'on retrouve ce retour, on a peut 锚tre une solution 茅l茅gante en t锚te!

indieklem commented for me here because I was the one testing it and I can't rate it on my own, here is the nice sculpt I made at the end

That's a really good idea, thanks Antti

"really enjoyed abusing Fight Clubs with reactivation" 馃幆 This is the way!

Thanks for playing the game and for your helpful feedback, Antti!

One idea we had was to "force" the first card choices with human packs in it, but there is undoubtedly something to dig into and think about here.