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A member registered Oct 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for giving feedback!

Great to hear!

I’m happy you enjoyed it :)

I’m happy that you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for leaving a comment Inky! I didn’t notice you actually left one until now 😅

Thank you very much!

Thanks for enjoying our game!

Thank you very much!



good to know!

Thanks! Keep in mind that my jam partner Neqdos did a bunch of the game as well :)


Thanks! This theme interpretation was actually very popular this jam 😅

i gave this game a 9/11 (or a 0.8182/10)

yes i know

please help me, 9/11

Yeah we’re totally going to host a bloodbot competition


Thanks regardless!

I LOVE PICO-8 GAMES!! Fun game, however i didn’t get how the theme integrates here… The music could be improved but overall it’s a charming little detective game :D

overall: 8/10 (you get 1 bonus point (7/10 originally) for using pico-8)


this game is really cool! it’s short but very good game design wise! you let the player discover how the lie detector works and it’s really satisfying when you manage to get 3/3! i really like the music, it fits very well and the graphics also fit i like the shader on the lie detector :)

overall: 8/10 (you could expand this more in the future)

WOW The main mechanic is cool! very polished puzzle platformer with IMMENSE amounts of atmosphere i just wish the music fit more (The intro to the menu was SO COOL!!) the idea of this game makes me want to have an rpg with a main mechanic like this

overall: 8/10 :) (i wish you had to use the long jump more)

Cool original characters! i don’t see any affiliation with the so called company “Disney” I took massive dump and got holy shit

personal score: holyshit/10

overall: 7.5/10 (1.5 bonus points on comedy)

I like the dialogue, the gameplay turned stale after about two minutes (the music doesn’t help with that either), I like the take on the theme though, there isn’t a lot of entries like this (especially with different endings)

overall: 6.5/10

Interesting take on the theme, The SFX and music make it feel like a mobile game, and if that’s what your going for then great! (i even noticed you took touch controls into account) It was surprisingly fun!

overall: 7/10

yeah this is the one i was talking about 😅

I’ll be sure to check out most of the games that rate ours :) (and leave a comment of course)



(1 edit)

Thanks! This one is inspired by Eschatos :D

Thanks! I really liked your game :)

oh yes, there was another shooter with this theme, i liked it less than ours though

Thank you!


Very useful! Ill make sure to save this post for my future participations

Here’s my project:

Thank you very much! i’d be sure to check out your game tommorow