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A member registered Sep 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I didn't use a rigidbody for the physics? Its a project made in Godot so by default I had to make a physics/gravity system from scratch (although with the help of a tutorial of course) since I was relatively new to Godot I didn't know how to fix a lot of the physics related bugs. I was also on a hard deadline so I had to cut some corners unfortunately, I'll keep these things in mind for my next project which is in development right now, follow to see it when it comes out! (if you want lol)

I really like it! the atmosphere and physics are done really well!

I'm flattered that my game was even good enough to speedrun! You have the world record now haha!

(2 edits)

The shotgun reloading is a bit janky since even tho i can just shoot after the first bullet, i still have to wait for its animation to finish, so it feels a bit off.

Also its hard to time rocket jumps with the finger rocket because of the delay.

Very fun and original. Sound design and Art was really nice and fitting.

Its a good idea and has a lot of potential.

Fun and addictive but really no strategy. I think if there was maybe a short indication of where your going to shoot before you do would really improve it. I also loved the simple art style and sound design!

I like it and it was very fun. some extra features if your willing to work more on the game is randomized weapons such as flamethrower, sword, etc. along with the random stats.

really good start. the concept is very original and it has a lot of potential.

This is amazing!

Very Smooth!

(1 edit)

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