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A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks alot for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed.

Yes, I designed the controls for the player with a mouse or track pad in mind. Although I developed the whole game with a track pad but it may just be because I am really used to the controls of the player. I wanted this game to be really simple and easy to get your hands on, and be a quick game that you can play off the bat in a short time! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thanks so much for the kind words and support, It was out first game jam and it was one of my focuses to really polish the game and make it feel good and satisfying to play, as I know we would have really limited time to bring out extensive content. I am really glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks again for playing our game!

(1 edit)

Indeed haha, all the art work and visuals were done by one person which was really impressive within the time big props to the Artist! Really enjoyed working with all my team mates.

Thanks so much for the recognition! That was one of the tiny detailed that I spent alot of time on to make it feel decent. As it was our first proper game Jam, I really tried focusing on polishing the game to make it feel the best I could as with the limited content of the game I was really hoping to make the game feel good to play and experience. I'm SO very glad that it is noticed and appreciated! 

Yep, that was one of the things we were really scared of when we were designing the game. It was with the communication of the game mechanics, we really had no time in the end to implement anything extra into the game so we wrote a massive story line in the description (It was last minute decision, I didn't even get to read the description until after submission) with all the controls and mechanics intergrated throughout. Which I thought it was a pretty cool way, but i guess in the end it was still rather hard to get the jist of the game with just a big block of text. Thanks for the feedback and support I'll be sure to take into account when we decided to go back and polish the game after the jam. Thanks for playing!

HAHA yes, when i was originally designing the game I had a really elaborate chasing and escaping mechanics in mind, but when i was writing the mechanics time was cutting short, i had to move on to other important parts of the game. So i had a really basic chasing mechanic implemented in the game. One last thing with the upgrading system, I didnt have time to really finetune and balance the shop in the game it is all dynamically generated based of a math equation so I wouldn't know what late game would look like when you play it for a long time, because we didnt have much time to test the game out. But again thanks so much for playing, really appreciate all the support and feedback!

Really cool idea that was executed quite well. Although the game was confusing at times as to what exactly todo, it was still a quick fun little game to be playing. The UI and vibe of the game is really well done and it is a cool idea that could be potentially expanded. Good job on the game!

Absolutely in love with this idea, Its such a good idea and rather well executed within the short amount of time that is given. I would really want to see thsi developed into a more polished and more complete game. I spent quite some time playing around and trying to make the perfect potion. I want to see this game in its full flory really bad, alot more complex systems can be added into the game to make the game play more richer and have more variety. I really enjoyed playing the game.

I would be following to see the future developments of this game and what it turns out to be.

First look at the game, it feels very polished with the Lofi music in the background really adding alot of atmosphere and mood into the game. Like some other comments have said there seems to be small bugs thoughout the play through which at times can be annoying (I had a hard time combining different ingridients together, sometimes worked sometimes didnt for the same items.),  the sound effect of the wrong move is kinda obnoxious.

Last thing about the big instruction manual at the start of the game it was really long to read through and it i think its such a missed opportunity to put all the cooking recipes in the same book at the beginning so that the player isnt just guessing around for the recipes (i know may not have been easy to achieve with the time).

BUT I really liked the idea for the game is really solid and it felt really polished to play with. Really good job to what can be achieve with such a short time! for future it'll be probbaly good to make it more satisfying to make the foods.

Thanks so much playing the game. We grinded on the game with minimal sleep, and we're relatively happy with where the game ended up at. As this was our very first game jam, we were just happy we can finish in time. Again really appreciated your time.

I was surprised how polished the game felt off th bat. It really does feel like a full game that you could be potentially downloading off steam. With the combination of art and music with all the little details in the game, such as able to catch the tiniest pixel on the screen. i really enjoyed playing the game. Although got a bit lost as to where to go to progress the game I will still very impressed by the controls and the art of the game. Well done.

The game menu looks really good with all the menu animations being very polished as well, thought when playing the game the art and design of the game was not really consistent and at the end it was another completely different art style. I was really getting into the mood of the game when it abruptly finished, i could definitely see this expanding after the jam to a cozy cleaning game. Nice job.

Cool game with a short dialogue telling a short story that is quite immersive. Fish in the pond is definitely the core of the game :)

Really cool game with similar mechanics to that of overcooked, it has alot of potential with the mechanics and camera controls of the game. The controls of the player feel a little bit slippery, otherwise it is a pretty fun game with alot of replayability

This game has a really good repesentation and the art and music matches really well together. Very impressed that the game was able to fit all the content that it had within the time frame of the game jam. Especially with the camera system, which provides a really cool new perspective of the game. Really fun game to play. Well done

The game feels polished with the controls feeling really nice, the mechanics of the ducks honking to scare the predators away was definitely a cool mechanic implemented. Although it was sort of confusing at the start to get into the game it was pretty fun once you get used to it.

This game feels really polished from the music to the art and animations. It dosent feel like a game thats is cramped with in the limit of the game jam. (Like said by the author it was probbaly really stressful) Really good job on making the game, and when you start getting the jist of the game it was really satisfying to see the meny go up really quickly.

You can put your own youtube playlist links in this discussion post and I'll pick out a few to make into a custom heardle game.

Remember to make the playlist unlisted.

Any feddback on the game will be appreciated