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A member registered Aug 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Just a simple platformer. I enjoyed it

Cool music, interesting theme, but now this game is kinda raw :(

This art is the best!

interesting concept, if you add more mechanics, this can be a good puzzle!

Interesting idea, but realisation is not the best now. This game has potential!

Interesting idea, but realisation is not the best now. This game has potential!

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Interesting concept, and cool music. This game has potential, but now this game is not perfect

I like this game, even though this mechanic isn't new. Also the music is very cool!

I like this game very much! But I think you need to add dash option, that will make gameplay more interesting. Also the music is fire!

Concept is interesting, but i didn't understand what the goal of this game :(

(1 edit)

I like this all in this game - concept, gameplay, art! This is one of the best games on this jam! (sorry for my english, this is not my main language)

wow, that was hard to complete this game... But I like it very much! The level design is cool, and I hope You will make a full version! (Sorry for my English, it is not my main language)

it's the best game on this jam I played!!! Only bug I noticed is that player can stuck in the walls, but it's not such a trouble. (sorry for my mistakes, English is not my main language)

Cool platformer and original mechanic wih darkness, I like it!

damn, sorry,  I could not get how to play:(

Oh my god... That was hard, but i managed to complete this game, and i think this is cool platformer and good game for jam! Only thing I hate there is that character not always jumping when i press space:( (sorry for my english, this is not my main language)

I think if add tutorial (I understand, how to kill these small dudes only after a 10 min of playing) and a few more mechanics, this can be a good game. (sorry for my english, this is not my main language)

This is a cool game, I wish you will make a full version!