Thanks much! I've started layering some mouse controls over the keyboard-only controls, but I definitely think I need to take it a step further. And making the objectives a little clearer would be good. That's a really cool idea with the separate decks too.
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Impressive everything you put together in just a little over a week. Good variety of art to make the house feel like a house with different rooms. Felt like an Atari game with puzzles, I could never quite figure out the solution, I think I was probably most confused by the combat sequences. But I did like how the heart would change and take on different behaviors based on its color. My only suggestion might be a few more hints thrown in during gameplay.
I enjoyed this. I was laughing at all the ways I died. In level 3 I think it was I hit a little lava ball over a lava pit and it didn't kill me it just sort of knocked me back, but I landed and was just kind of stuck, unable to move or progress any further. Lots of fun though. I particularly liked the rope swing (I wasn't expecting that).