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A member registered Jul 22, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I’ll note that down for next patch!

Can you let me know which ramp that was?

Then there’s something wrong with your computer, if it already worked once it should work every time

Try the compatibility mode bat file

Not sure yet, for now just those two

Nope, it’s an endless highscore chase mode

Hold the Scream button while pressing Play on the main menu

You can leave a 1-star review here if you really wanna be that rude about it, jesus lol

How to unlock Run Like Hell Hold the scream button while pressing Play in the main menu

If you run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat, it switches it from Vulkan to OpenGL

Hey there, I’ve addressed both of those issues in the latest update!

Great to hear, thank you for the reports!

I’d like to update it with more levels some day, but no promises!

Hi, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file

Hi, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file

(1 edit)

To anyone who’s having issues with the 32-bit version, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file

The 32-bit exported version of the game seems to come with physics-related issues on Godot’s side of things, but it seems like most people are having issues with the Vulkan rendering method anyway, so hopefully this new Compatibility Mode, which changes it to OpenGL, will fix that!

(3 edits)

Thank you! I’ve updated the 32-bit version again, please let me know if it works. There should be some visual issues (Brulo and TNT blocks notably are textureless), but if the game at least works, I can get to fixing those next

EDIT: Sorry, NOW it’s updated lol

I’ve released a 32-bit Windows version of the game. I can’t test it faithfully on my own machine, so please let me know if it works or not if you do run a 32-bit Windows machine!

I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, let me know if that works for you

I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, let me know if that fixed it for you

You may need to update your graphics drivers:

If that doesn’t work, I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, you can try that too

Otherwise, it sounds like your computer may be too old to run this? Ironic, I know, considering the whole 64 thing

How palettes work Palettes are enabled as soon as it finds a PNG file in the palettes folder that starts with either Anton or Annie
How Danton works The Danton gamemode is just holding the scream button while you press Play on the main menu, which will unlock the mode

Sorry for the confusion, next to the game exe you need a folder called palettes, with two Ts, not palletes with two Ls. You don’t need a Details folder, that’s just how does spoilers lol

(2 edits)

The folder needs to be named:

Make sure you didn't typo or forget the s for plural

I need to see the crash log. It should be in:


For now no, but I'm thinking of a v1.1 where you have the option to play with only a set number of stratagems per run

Sorry, that's not user error specifically, that's an issue on my part - you DON'T have to load all stratagems individually

Instead, make sure the mod's files are extracted onto a folder called 'helldiver' in your Nuclear Throne mods folder. Then ingame, just type '/load helldiver' and both the character and all its stratagems should load automatically

That's on me and you're not the first to encounter this issue, my bad!

Hold the active ability button, right-click

That's very bizarre, not sure what's up with that...

Thank you very much!

Thank you!

Thank you very much!

Thank you!

I was afraid to try this due to it being a flying game, but turns out my motion sickness doesn't kick in if I'm in a static object relative to me. This was really fun! The controls feel fluid, and chasing/shooting the ball was fun. Was surprised when it actually went down, thought it was just a constantly-dodging target practice! Good work!

Oh no yeah I knew of the hint because I saw the video and I used it, just that yeah could've been told ingame

Thank you!

That is indeed intentional, but only because it was too late to try to physically stop the chisel in place on contact, so it could've definitely been improved had the foundations been better. Thank you!

Thank you! I actually thought the haptics were too weak on my Index controllers, maybe OpenXR doesn't normalize haptic strength across devices? Thanks again!